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Totalizer Valve and Controls

It would be very useful to have a totalizer valve which closes after a certain amount of flow passes through over a given time, such as 5 MGD over a day, then reopens once that time period has passed. Alternatively, a control option based on a pip...
Guest 2 days ago in InfoWater Pro / Operational Modeling 0 For Review

Linear Drainage 2D conduit branch

In complex drainage systems, open channels may culvert in the middle or branch in two directions; it is useful to be able to branch into multiple pipes when modelling open channels in LD2D.
Yota Machii 1 day ago in InfoWorks ICM / Network 0 For Review

Export to PACP, LACP and MACP v6, v7 and v8 compliant databases

Export v6 and v7 inspections to MDB format Export v8 inspections to SQLite format The exported databases must be NASSCO data exchange standard compliant. The export should support single and batch export of inspections to the NASSCO database forma...
Tony Andrews 1 day ago in Info360 Asset 0 In progress

Velocity Result for Swale Stormwater Control Feature

The velocity parameter in a swale is an important consideration with respect to determining erosion possibility, potential swale lining requirements and help inform check-dam design & locations. As it stands you cannot get the velocity result ...
Shane Moynihan about 2 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 0 For Review

Process statistical reports from Ruby and ICM Exchange.

As part of DWMP running TSR "en masse" may be a requirement.We would like to code these in and export the statistical report results onc ethey are complete.This would save a great deal of time and would be processed in the background.There will be...
Jose Pereira about 1 month ago in InfoWorks ICM / API / Exchange 1 Under consideration

Add "Cloud" Run Mode for InfoWater Pro Surge simulations

IWP Surge has the unique ability to run surge simulations without the need to skeletonize the model. However, the Standard mode is currently the only option for running Surge simulations (Background and Cloud are not available). On larger models a...
Michael Kane 3 days ago in InfoWater Pro / Cloud Simulations 0 For Review

Attenuation Volume Summary Analysis

It would be useful to have access to a table that summarises all the attenuation volumes within the site include elements such as tanks, filter trenches, pipes, manholes etc. Similar to what was available in MicroDrainage
Guest 17 days ago in InfoDrainage / Auditing / Reviewing 0 For Review

2D meshing using Ruby and ICM Exchange

As part of DWMP we are likely to need to create multiple scenarios for each network based on Growth (2035, 2045 etc...). One of the approaches ot the detriment anaylsis will require a 2D approach. Would it be possible to allow meshing from within ...
Jose Pereira about 1 month ago in InfoWorks ICM / API / Exchange 1 Under consideration

Display critical results for indvidual elements

With the variability of design rainfall patterns, critical hydraulic results (mean/median/min/max) often occur at different rainfall durations for different elements (eg specific pipe/MH/channel/etc) within a network for the same rainfall event pr...
matthew.piggott 23 days ago in InfoWorks ICM / Results 1 For Review

Amend & Simplify Report /Print Outputs

Would be useful to be able to fully customize the printed report outputs i.e. remove inlet, outlet information from controls, remove SuDS icons, remove unused or unimportant colums from results tables. It would also be good to be able to resize co...
David Williams 9 days ago in InfoDrainage / Reporting 0 For Review