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Select and deselect all scenarios button for validation

Add a deselect and select all button for scenarios when doing a network validation. It gets frustrating when there are lots of scenarios and you only want to validate one of them.
Andrew Sherson about 8 hours ago in InfoWorks ICM / Validation 0 For Review

Remove Need to Validate When Changing Background Layers

Suggest that a network not need to validated or show that it was edited (red circle) for only switching on/off a background (e.g., aerial)layer would be appreciated. Keeping scenarios straight is tough enough w/out the additional heart attack when...
Guest over 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity / Validation 3 Will not implement

Validation as a background task

Validation as a background task so UI isn't locked.
Guest over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity / Validation 2 Will not implement

Validation of Bridge data

When a model is validated, it doesn't pick up on problems with bridges, that prevent the model from running. For example, the error "bed section is above soffit" is given when trying to run the model, but does not appear in the validation messages...
Guest about 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Bridge / River Modeling / Validation 0 Gathering support

Sort by Validation Error in Grid View

Allow columns in grid views to be sorted by validation error(s). This would make fixing validation errors much easier. For example, when modelled pipes/nodes are updated from the GIS, the Subcatchments sometimes lose their Node ID link as the nod...
Bradley Nissley about 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Grids / Validation 0 Gathering support

Show data errors

Mike + added a function called "show data errors" in its new product in 2021, which can display objects that lack necessary field information and generate a table. This function can improve the ability of model engineers to deal with model errors ...
Liu Qiusheng about 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Validation 1 Gathering support