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InfoWorks ICM

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ICM InfoWorks SWMM5 Tools

ICM InfoWorks Networks has a long history of being both a great modeling platform but having a lot of SWMM5 features. To name a few, there is SWMM Runoff, SWMM Horton, SWMM Snowmelt, SWMM Green Ampt Infiltration, SWMM5 Water Quality, SWMM5 RTK, SW...
Robert Dickinson 5 days ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydrology 0 For Review

Process statistical reports from Ruby and ICM Exchange.

As part of DWMP running TSR "en masse" may be a requirement.We would like to code these in and export the statistical report results onc ethey are complete.This would save a great deal of time and would be processed in the background.There will be...
Jose Pereira 3 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / API / Exchange 1 Under consideration

In-sewer water temperature model

In-sewer water temperature monitoring has been around for a while. It is useful for identifying groundwater infiltration, potential heat recovery locations, optimising chemical dosing, predicting H2S build up and other key sewer processes. A dynam...
John Ward 27 days ago in InfoWorks ICM / Simulations 2 For Review

2D meshing using Ruby and ICM Exchange

As part of DWMP we are likely to need to create multiple scenarios for each network based on Growth (2035, 2045 etc...). One of the approaches ot the detriment anaylsis will require a 2D approach. Would it be possible to allow meshing from within ...
Jose Pereira 3 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / API / Exchange 1 Under consideration

Provision of a separate ICM viewer installer

I work for a local authority where some people have higher spec machines than others yet most would, occasionally at least, find it useful to be able to view InfoWorks models/results. Installing the full version of ICM will likely be quite costly ...
Guest 12 days ago in InfoWorks ICM / Visualization 1 Gathering support

Connect storage nodes to 2D mesh

Storage nodes allow for a better schematization of large, variable size structures such as pump stations or weirs. They are missing the functionality to connect them to the 2D mesh, so flooding from those locations is not visible. Adding the optio...
Marcel Glasbergen 5 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Ponds/Storage 1 Gathering support

Expand gauged object results to all result fields

Currently the gauged object result fields are limited. For instance, they do not include 2d related results at nodes. As the use case for ICM has expanded so has the information that users are interested in. No longer as they just looked at 'flow ...
Alex Grist 4 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Results 2 For Review

Display critical results for indvidual elements

With the variability of design rainfall patterns, critical hydraulic results (mean/median/min/max) often occur at different rainfall durations for different elements (eg specific pipe/MH/channel/etc) within a network for the same rainfall event pr...
matthew.piggott 2 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Results 1 For Review

upgrade the embedded Ruby interpreter

It is a pity that there is no way to upgrade the embedded Ruby interpreter. Unfortunately, that old version is not compatible with many of the useful Ruby Gems – severely limiting its usefulness. Do you have plans to include a more recent version ...
Guest 20 days ago in InfoWorks ICM / API / Exchange 1 For Review

Add a function: Dividing Polygon Objects in ICM

After creating a subcatchment polygon, there is a case where the polygon needs to be divided due to reasons such as creating a new road. In InfoWorks CS, there was a tool to divide polygons with line data, but it disappeared in ICM. Without the to...
Nami Ikarashi 3 months ago in InfoWorks ICM 2 For Review