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Support for ArcEngine Functions for background layers (no x32 bit support)

The current x64 version of ICM cannot use the ArcEngine / ArcGIS Desktop funcionality, in contrast to previous x32 bit versions of ICM. Since only x64 bit version is now supported, this feature cannot be used. It is one of the most important featu...
Elliot Egan about 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / GIS Layers 0 Under consideration

Provision of a separate ICM viewer installer

I work for a local authority where some people have higher spec machines than others yet most would, occasionally at least, find it useful to be able to view InfoWorks models/results. Installing the full version of ICM will likely be quite costly ...
Guest 28 days ago in InfoWorks ICM / Visualization 1 Gathering support

Time series results for thematic maps

In the current state you need to add simulation results to a model and then preform a SQL to add a TSR result to a userfield. It would be easier to just add TSR results to the thematic SQL options.
Farhan Meke 8 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Theme 0 For Review

Add a "Pan to Selection" option in GeoPlan window

Just what the above says. The zoom in/out can be pretty touchy, particularly on track pad. While "zoom to selection" helps, if you're just trying to zoom to a single node or short link, it zooms in too close to be particularly helpful when looking...
Jacob Eck 11 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Visualization 1 Gathering support

dark mode

for people that are spending a big amount of time in ICM, a dark mode would be ideal, don't know why this hasn't been implemented yet, since most of the apps have this option and there isn't really any option to change the appearence colours in th...
Ionut Pintea over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Visualization 2 Gathering support

Use tracers for water on mesh elements

Our clients are more and more trying to figure out if damage to a property is caused by water from the public area (which is the responsibility of the client) or from private areas (which is not). When rainfall on mesh can pick up a tracer (eg. fr...
Marcel Glasbergen almost 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / 2D Flooding / Visualization / Water Quality 1 Gathering support

It will great if we can control the display of the labels in ICM to have a better visualization.

For example : the possiblity of changing the precision in the labels (the decimal number of the value )
Guest almost 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Visualization 3 Gathering support


As in Arcmap, please include the ability to flash a selected object or via the object search. This is really useful, especially in large models, to quickly see where features are in relation to one another or in the context of the whole network.
Chris Brown 8 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Visualization 1 For Review

Option to rearrang the object layer in Properties and Themes in alphabetical order

It took time to scan the object layer. It will be usefull to have options to arrange the layer in alphabetical order.
Faizah Ahmad over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Theme 0 Gathering support

Un-ticking All Objects under ICM Properties and Themes

The "Properties and Themes" provides the option to Display certain model Object Layers (i.e. Node, Conduit, 2D Zone, etc.). It is a very long list of about 50 layers. It would be helpful if there is an option to Tick (or Un-Tick) all layers at o...
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Theme / Visualization 1 Gathering support