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Support for 'Count of work orders' under risk analysis.

This is a common LoF that uses historical work orders such as repairs to determine how prone the pipe is to fail. This can be implemented once we have hooked up Tasks to the Risk and Rehab parts of the application.
Martha Nunez over 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Risk 0 In progress

Add the 'count of assets' under the Linear risk method (same as 5x5 matrix)

The 5x5 matrix provides a great summary on where pipes fall under the different 'buckets' this would be extremely useful for linear risk method as well as it helps the user determine their ranges dynamically.
Martha Nunez 9 months ago in Info360 Asset / Risk 1 Under consideration

Generate Risk/Rehab results for segments not assets - Stormwater

In stormwater systems assets change structural characteristics along the length of the asset. This means, materials change and this needs to be represented in the risk analysis. In addition, work tasks are generated for segments instead of the ful...
Martha Nunez over 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Risk 0 Gathering support