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User owned templates that can be shared across projects

With this feature, a user could save an already created risk or rehab analysis as template that they could utilize in other projects. This would save consultants and resellers a large amount of time from conducting repetitive processes.
Guest 8 months ago in Info360 Asset / Product workflows 1 On roadmap

Enable filtering on custom data

Extend the proposed asset data filtering to the extended custom asset data. This will enable a user to apply filtering on customer defined extended asset data. I wonder if the user could choose which custom table to display in a data grid. Could b...
Tony Andrews 12 months ago in Info360 Asset / Product workflows 0 Gathering support

Workflow that allows field inspectors to view CCTV recommendations directly in Info360 Asset and complete the CCTV directly in the product

After discussing with Martin and Martin about migrating workflows that are still occurring in Info360 Asset. After a Rehab Decision tree recommends that a pipe needs CCTV it would be useful to allow the field inspector to view the Rehab report wit...

CCTV inspections should have their own data grid

This request is for a dedicated data grid in which CCTV inspection hearder details should be viewable. Inspections can then be filtered, sorted etc. Even better if this data grid could be hooked up to a dedicated asset condition map integrated wit...
Tony Andrews 9 months ago in Info360 Asset / Data Editing / Inspection & Media Management Workflows / Map visualization / Product workflows 0 Gathering support

Add differentiator between Plant/Asset/Insight on top left corner

I think it would be helpful to add the word Plant, Asset or Insight next to the Info360 Logo on the upper left corner. Please see image below for reference.
Salvador Bentolila about 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / General 1 Gathering support

Ability to generate Valve Criticality calculations (critical bounded areas, number of customers impacted by area, gpm per area, etc)

This is a more detailed and accurate way to assess impact on critical customers compared to tools such as spatial proximity.
Martha Nunez 11 months ago in Info360 Asset / Product workflows 3 Gathering support

Triggers - Automation

Workflow automation in Info360 Asset. Take any process or analytic and set triggers to kick it off along with other processes downstream Example: New CCTV inspection approved Triggers Risk model run Triggers Rehab tree run Triggers New reha...
Mike Maylone about 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Product workflows 0 Under consideration

Provide an Early Warning Notification on CCTV Inspections that will Indicate an Emergency Situation

Some defects or combination of defects in a sewer or stormwater condition or associated maintenance structure may constitute an emergency condition where service failure is likely with economic, environmental, public safety, public image, and/or p...
Tony Andrews about 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Inspection & Media Management Workflows / Inspections / Product workflows 0 For Review

Demo data for new customers

No description provided
Mike Maylone about 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Product workflows 0 In progress