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ICM InfoWorks SWMM5 Tools

ICM InfoWorks Networks has a long history of being both a great modeling platform but having a lot of SWMM5 features. To name a few, there is SWMM Runoff, SWMM Horton, SWMM Snowmelt, SWMM Green Ampt Infiltration, SWMM5 Water Quality, SWMM5 RTK, SW...
Robert Dickinson 21 days ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydrology 0 For Review

Improve ground infiltration simulation parameters.

Could we have a 'Node level affects groundwater infiltration' for the soil store please? This simulation parameter was introduced to InfoWorks ICM recently to limit infiltration from the ground store to the model. Could this be extended to limit f...
Tom Walker over 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Calibration / Groundwater / Hydrology 0 Gathering support

Modify Peaking Constant/Shape Factor in SCS Routing Model

There isn't a good way to modify the peaking constant also referred to at the shape factor for developing an SCS hydrograph in ICM networks. The most common is 484 which is the constant used in an ICM network, but there are occasional needs to mod...
Ryan Brown 11 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydrology 5 Under consideration

More flexibility for pdm runs

We would like to be able to simulate warmup and hydraulic simulations with different input sources. Now the run crashes if for example rainfall data does not match the saved state of the warmup run. It would also be very useful to make it possible...
Guest almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydrology 0 Gathering support

2D worst case analysis

I would like to be able to analyse a number of simulations in terms of the worst flood depth per 2D mesh element. An integrated tool (along the lines of the already existing worst case grid output) would avoid the need to mess around in external GIS.
Guest about 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / 2D Flooding / Hydrology / Productivity 1 Gathering support

Inverse Distance Weightage in ICM

We have Thiessen in ICM. It will be great if we have IDW like what we have in RS.
Faizah Ahmad over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydrology / Rainfall / Simulations 1 Gathering support

Use PDM Soil moisture deficit variable to trigger RTC

Just like you can set thresholds or target values for level or flow in an RC I would like to be able to use the Soil moisture deficit variable from PDM subcatchment to regulate structures or variable pumps. This could be useful to somewhat reprodu...
Guest about 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydrology 0 Gathering support

Sub catchment Ground Slope

Currently ICM isn't equipped with the tools to calculate the slope from an underlying ground model or 2D zone so this will need to be determined outside of the program. Can you include the ability for the program to calculate an average catchment ...
Guest almost 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydrology / Terrain 0 Gathering support

Save and reuse PDM state variables in order to avoid long warmup

Before starting a hydraulic run, it is currently necessary to simulate long runoff-only runs in order to warm up the state variables of a PDM subcatchment, particularly soil moisture deficit. Would it be possible to impose initial state variables ...
Guest about 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydrology / PDM 0 Gathering support

Split a subcatchment

To be able to easily split a subcatchment into 2 separate subcatchments. For example when it becomes obvious that the flow from a subcatchment cannot be collected at a pit (node), it becomes necessary to insert an additional pit (node) to captur...
Gregory Smith almost 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydrology 2 Gathering support