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Add a feature for deselection of a group of elements in Geoplan

Many times we use polygon select feature to select elements in a particular extent, but there is no option of deselecting a small area within that selection - like in Arc Map
Ashwini about 11 hours ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Operations 0 For Review

Provide selected editing option for multiple objects like link, nodes at once.

Hi. I was building a model in WS Pro where I came across that after running validation, we don't have option of editing pipe diameter at once for multiple pipes editing, if there is such option available please let me know, or else you can add thi...
Guest about 1 month ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Modeler 0 For Review

Distribution Network Energy Optimization

Minimize the pumping costs of water distribution while satisfying water demand and operational constraints (water levels, pressure, pump station capacities, future maintenance operations, etc).
Nathan Gerdts 6 months ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Operations 0 Gathering support

More user friendly management on toolbars

The standard position of the toolbars is all on top of each other. If you want to move a toolbar from its standard position, the compact toolbars turn into floating windows. Returning the toolbar back to its compact shape will also return the tool...
Hidde Galema over 1 year ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Persona 2 Gathering support

Edit Pump and Valve Curves in IWLive

IWLive is the perfect platform to examine how well valve and pump curves are simulating the actual behavior under a wide range of system conditions. If these could be modified in an incident run, it would save lots of time going back to WS to modi...
Guest almost 5 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Operations 0 Gathering support

Creation of the Pump element independent of its grouping in the Pumping Station as included in usual infrastructure catalogs (GIS)

Useful for maintaining the unique relationship between the elements of a supply network and the Infoworks model objects.
Juan Carlos Ortega almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Operations 2 Will not implement

I want more flexible shutdown runs

e.g.: I want to be able to evaluate shutdwon of pumping stations in 1 one run, now I have to create a seperate run for each pumping station. A workaround I use is closing links with a GRM config, but this only shuts down links for the whole simula...
Caroline Heylen about 3 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Operations 1 Under consideration

A simple way to get an upstream or downstream trace analysis for all objects (node or pipe)

In WS Pro Upstream/downstream tracing is easy for a single object. Obtaining a single useful value (i.e. property count) is easy for multiple objects. Combining the two is very difficult at the moment in WS Pro I want to be able to obtain, eithe...
Guest almost 5 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Operations 0 Gathering support