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Ability to move labels to avoid overlaps

At the moment if labels overlap the only way to read the information on screen is to reduce all text size, which has other readability issues.
Matthew Johnson 4 days ago in InfoDrainage / Visualization 0 For Review

Relative file paths for CAD data etc.

Would it be possible to use relative file paths for attached information, such as CAD data. A lot of work is done on fileshare sites e.g. SharePoint. If one person syncs the model and another opens it, all the linked data is lost as the global fil...
Matthew Johnson 4 days ago in InfoDrainage / Data Exchange 0 For Review

Changes to a network do not propagate downstream

If you change a pipe diameter or gradient, it will not accommodate these changes in the downstream section of the network. For example upsizing and steepening a pipe in the middle of a run will mean the next pipeis undersized and goes uphill. It a...
Matthew Johnson 4 days ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 0 For Review

Enable 3d view of two phases (foul and surface) simultaneously to help resolve clashes found in clash analysis.

Clash Analysis identifies pipes touching, which may be in different phases. The ability to view both phases in 3D View (as you can in Plan View) would make resolving the clashes much more efficient.
Guest 4 days ago in InfoDrainage / Auditing / Reviewing 0 For Review

Sort and collapse all option in flowpath Network Design Report

It would be useful to be able to ‘collapse all’ for branches in the Network Design Report. It would also be useful to be able to sort the connections (and junctions) in order of upstream→downstream or alpha/numeric. At the moment it seems rather a...
Matthew Johnson 4 days ago in InfoDrainage / Auditing / Reviewing 0 For Review

Show preliminary sizing estimated flow depth in profile view.

The proportional depth is given in the Network Design Report but not shown in the long sections. This is a very useful feature to allow quick checking of throttling or spare capacity in the network.
Matthew Johnson 4 days ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 0 For Review

Ability to change flow path in the profile view

It would be very convenient to be able to select a different flow path from within the long section (profile) view.
Matthew Johnson 4 days ago in InfoDrainage / Auditing / Reviewing 0 For Review

Colour coding of connections and junctions

Can the functionality of colour coding pipes (by depth, diameter, flood status or user-choice) be added. This is very useful for checking models or recording changes, pipe condition, ownership etc.
Matthew Johnson 4 days ago in InfoDrainage / Visualization 0 For Review

Show catchment areas of non-current phases

It is useful to be able to see the catchment areas of non-current phases if they have visibility switched on. For example, to make sure that a whole site with multiple outfalls has the total catchment digitised with no gaps.
Matthew Johnson 4 days ago in InfoDrainage / Auditing / Reviewing 0 For Review


Please can we request the ability to add free notation e.g. model notes / assumptions. A similar feature was present in MD DrawNet and allowed communication of model specifics within the model.
Matthew Johnson 4 days ago in InfoDrainage / Reporting 0 For Review