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Connect storage nodes to 2D mesh

Storage nodes allow for a better schematization of large, variable size structures such as pump stations or weirs. They are missing the functionality to connect them to the 2D mesh, so flooding from those locations is not visible. Adding the optio...
Marcel Glasbergen 6 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Ponds/Storage 1 Gathering support

Ruby Storage Area fix

When trying to check if a storage area contains a node, Ruby shows the error message that the storage area object is not a polygon, although the methods show that a storage area has a method 'contains'. The workaround is now to create a temporary ...
Marcel Glasbergen 6 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Ponds/Storage 0 For Review

Call the 'Total storage calculation' function from a ruby script and write the output into a csv-file

It would be a great feature to call the 'Total storage calculation' function from a ruby script and write the output into a csv-file. If it is not possible to call the build-In function from ruby, it would also help to call the 'storage calculat...
Guest over 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / API / Exchange / Export Data / Ponds/Storage 0 Gathering support

Modelling of Pressure Sewer System Storage Vessels

In the modelling of pressure sewer systems you often need to represent the same (standard) storage vessel (storage function) in your network over and over again. However, there is no storage tab in the node grid that would allow you to create and ...
Guest over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydraulics / Ponds/Storage 0 Gathering support