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Flow Path (Profile Plots)

Would love a plot setting to show which design storm is being run as it relates to the max. water level
Jess Ewing 11 months ago in InfoDrainage / Reporting 2 Gathering support

Increase the limit of Chambers allowed

Currently in the 2025.2 version I am running, the number of Chambers for subsurface storage/detention allowed is 200. The sizing calculator says I need more and wouldn't validate the model. Would be nice to have a higher limit.
Bryan Forrest 6 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 0 For Review

Ruby support for 'run_sql' method to return results

The method WSOpenNetwork.run_sql supports running a SQL query on the current network and results, e.g. to select and update objects in the network: Help | WSOpenNetwork | Autodesk. The current method cannot return the results of a SELECT query i.e...
Nathan Gerdts 9 months ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Automation 0 For Review

Increase Quota for Cloud Simulations

Please increase quota for cloud simulations, or make quota a HUB limit - not an individual limit.
Matt Anderson 6 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Info360 Cloud 1 In progress

Backwards Compatibility with Versions

Backwards Compatibility between updates. Sometimes not everyone is working on the same version of Infrodrainage, I get why this is in place but would be helpful if this was in place somehow, like all of 2024 could work together rather than specifi...
Guest over 1 year ago in InfoDrainage 1 Under consideration

Amended multiple pipe and manhole names along a flow path in one operation

It would be helpful if you could rename an entire branch or flow path in one operation rather than each part individually.
Guest 6 months ago in InfoDrainage / Productivity 0 For Review

Manhole Schedule Numbering

For MH tables and report outputs, it would be good to have an option to report chronologically, e.g. 1-30. I understand it numbers them on the first Manhole built in the model however I think it would make more sense to go from shallowest to deep...
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 3 Already exists

InfoDrainage - level bench in basin/pond configuration

The sizing calculator in the pond build pop-up enables one side lpe only. There are now LLFAs that require level benck of at aleast 1.5 m width after 0.6 m depth in a basin. It is currently not possible to use your calculator to establish such bas...
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 2 Gathering support

I want a Gully Space calculations tool in InfoDrainage

InfoDrainage - want to do Gully space calculations or assess capacity of different gullies. can you add the gully design tool to InfoDrainage?
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 1 Under consideration

Create Ruby script syntax from ODIC/ODIC interface

The idea is to have a method available on InfoWorks ICM, InfoWorks WS Pro and InfoAsset Manager ODIC/ODEC interface that will create the equivalent Ruby syntax comprising all of the required parameters for the ODIC/ODEC methods. The Ruby script co...
Tony Andrews 12 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / API / Exchange / Data Exchange 1 Gathering support