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Relinking inspections to their media after deletion and re-import

Deleting and re-ingesting inspections that have already had their associated media imported into Info360 Asset WILL NOT result in the media re-linking to the inspections. This is a SERIOUS flaw in the management of CCTV inspections and associated ...
Tony Andrews 7 days ago in Info360 Asset 0 Gathering support

Could we add a preference to disable the popup to accept the most recent run data?

The popup is confusing, and we don't see a point in not accepting the latest run results.
Deb Smith 17 days ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 2 Gathering support

Auto-Profile Feature in InfoDrainage

We are asking for a Gravity Auto Profile feature in the InfoDrainage with integration with other services as sanitary, water and electrical …etc. This feature would automate the creation of longitudinal profiles for gravity-fed drainage systems (M...
Mohamad Azzam 11 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 3 Gathering support

Connect storage nodes to 2D mesh

Storage nodes allow for a better schematization of large, variable size structures such as pump stations or weirs. They are missing the functionality to connect them to the 2D mesh, so flooding from those locations is not visible. Adding the optio...
Marcel Glasbergen 6 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Ponds/Storage 1 Gathering support

Drag Labels in InfoDrainage Plan View

Text labels often end up overlapping and are illegible. It would be nice to be able to drag them like you can in CAD / Civil3D.
Midori Patterson about 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Visualization 1 Gathering support

Skeletonize water distribution asset network to simplify asset risk and rehab modeling

Don't want to do risk/rehab on all mains. Would like to aggregate / combine assets based on a set criteria and perform risk and rehab on those combined asset classes. Filter management does not quite work ATM.
Tony Andrews about 1 month ago in Info360 Asset 0 Gathering support

Horizontal orifices as an outlet type

HydroCAD offers a horizontal orifice control outlet type that is very commonly used for detention pond outlet types in the US. Please include this as an outlet type so we can transition from HydroCAD to InfoDrainage.
Midori Patterson 9 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 1 Gathering support

Provision of a separate ICM viewer installer

I work for a local authority where some people have higher spec machines than others yet most would, occasionally at least, find it useful to be able to view InfoWorks models/results. Installing the full version of ICM will likely be quite costly ...
Guest about 1 month ago in InfoWorks ICM / Visualization 1 Gathering support

Ability to conduct batch edits in CCTV inspection page

Currently, the user can make manual updates to CCTV inspections. However, in many cases they will want to edit inspections in batch. One common example is the Us/DS manholes do not match for hundreds (even thousands) of inspections. Rather than de...
Martha Nunez 3 months ago in Info360 Asset / Data Editing / Inspection & Media Management Workflows 0 Gathering support

Would it be possible to include longitudinal gradient (slope) to attenuation tanks please? At the moment it appears that software assumes that these structures are constructed flat whereas in real life these could be constructed with a gradient (slope) from the upstream end towards the outlet.

At the moment it appears that software assumes that these structures are constructed flat whereas in real life these could be constructed with a gradient (slope) from the upstream end towards the outlet (and this could then change the head of wate...
arek kadlec 12 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 1 Gathering support