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Add support to the GIS Layer Control

In recent releases of WS Pro none of the map control options work except MapXtreme, and most useful background layers are in WMTS, not WMS. So we now have no background layers. Please add WMTS support to the map control options so we can use backg...
Ben Davies 6 days ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Other 0 For Review

possibility to connect labels to links at the beginning or end instead of only in the middle of the link

This way you can show that link invert levels on a manhole differ in value or deviate from the chamberfloor
Loes van der Linden 5 days ago in InfoWorks ICM / Labels 0 For Review

Adding references to Analytics

An analytic is created to be referred within other instance in the platform, whether another analytic or a workspace. When the analytic is created and later modified or deleted, the analytic owner must understand the impact of such modification or...
Javier Coronado 4 days ago in Info360 Plant / Tools / Analytics 0 For Review

Raster export and import

Allow the use of rasters for importing and exporting data. Rasters take up significantly less space than a vector file and require less pre and post processing. Spatial layers like roughness, 2D hydraulic conditions, Infiltration, etc. could be im...
Andrew Sherson 6 days ago in InfoWorks ICM / Data Exchange 1 For Review

Improve GIS engine

ICM stores everything, as coordinates in tables. This is especially an issue for polygons as polygons are just coordinates in a table. This means things like Donut polygons are not allowed and complex polygons produce countless annoying errors tha...
Andrew Sherson 6 days ago in InfoWorks ICM / Import data 0 For Review

Add a feature for deselection of a group of elements in Geoplan

Many times we use polygon select feature to select elements in a particular extent, but there is no option of deselecting a small area within that selection - like in Arc Map
Ashwini 6 days ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Operations 0 For Review

Incorporate greater flexibility in the creation of UDF maps from the Print Field Journal

The current Print Field Journal for UDF maps does not allow users to adjust the map size (relative to other elements in the PDF), which was an important feature for our client when using UDF with InfoWater (the map is the most important for them i...
Guest 2 days ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 0 For Review

Tariff Scheduling

Energy tariffs in water and wastewater treatment plants are often defined hourly by an energy operator. This correspondingly defines low- and high- tariff periods. When a customer desires to track energy consumption and estimate its cost through I...
Javier Coronado 6 days ago in Info360 Plant / General 0 For Review

Analytics and Workplaces Ownership

When multiple users work in parallel, it is key to trace work changes. For example, if user A creates an analytic that must later be modified by user 2, both user2 and user1 must be aware of creation and modification ownership. This becomes critic...
Javier Coronado 6 days ago in Info360 Plant / General 0 For Review

Enable time fields to be used in calculated value

For numeric user defined object fields set to time allow them to be used in the calculated value function in Mobile forms
Lianne Rose 4 days ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 For Review