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Sort Manhole Schedules in Numerical Order

Hello, It should be possible to sort Manhole Schedules in Numerical Order - currently the randomness has lead to many questions & queries from site which has a risk for setting out/construction errors. It should also be possible to add MH type...
Guest 6 months ago in InfoDrainage / Reporting 0 For Review

Add a Brownfield Runoff tool under Preliminary Sizing > Calculators in the ribbon

To assist with initial site assessment, a brownfield runoff tool with printable reporting for the chosen rainfall events would be useful in the Preliminary sizing ribbon to allow analysis of brownfield and greenfield runoff rates from the same loc...
Guest about 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Hydrology 2 Already exists

GPU for 2D Erosion Deposition Model

The 2D erosion-deposition model can only be simulated on the CPU. For 2D rain-on-mesh models with GPU simulation times spanning hours, it becomes impractical to integrate the 2D erosion-deposition model, as CPU simulation times would extend into d...
Daniel Fensom over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Water Quality 0 Gathering support

Channel library similar to pipe library

It is essential to add / create library for rectangular channels with different width such as 300mm, 450mm width. Currently infodrainage choose a default 600mm wide rectangular channel. It is essential to have options to set minimum width other th...
Guest over 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 1 Gathering support

Provide min_time_step on 2D results mesh

In an effort to speed simulations up - it would be helpful to know what mesh elements are slowing down a 2D simulation. A single Job Progress value is insufficient to chase down which of these 200K mesh elements is slowing down the model.
Matt Anderson over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Results 1 Gathering support

Closing files before import CAD data

When trying to import CAD files for your background, you have to close the files in CAD for them to open in ID. This becomes a tedious task of opening and closing when you have errors trying to import the file. We get errors quite often due to som...
Jess Ewing 10 months ago in InfoDrainage / Civil3D Integration 1 Gathering support

Enable to choose time zone for exported radar SHP files

In general, radar files are based on UTC, and they are loaded into appropriate local time by choosing the original time zone in the radar configuration dialog. It allows ICM to load radar files with local time correctly. However, once they are exp...
Miyuki Okuda about 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Export Data 0 Gathering support

Distribution Network Energy Optimization

Minimize the pumping costs of water distribution while satisfying water demand and operational constraints (water levels, pressure, pump station capacities, future maintenance operations, etc).
Nathan Gerdts 6 months ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Operations 0 Gathering support

Speed up the creation/amending of ICMTs

Creating or amending ICMTs is slow, especially if they contain ground models. Even deleting or creating new 'folder' items in ICMTs is slow. Speeding this process up would increase productivity.
Lizzie over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Data Exchange / Terrain 2 Gathering support

Calculating volume storage on river reaches

In the application of ICM, we often count the regulation volume of river channels.But at the moment we can only calculatethe total available volume of channels/river reaches between two cross sections by using length and cross sectional areas.If t...
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity / Results / River Modeling 0 Gathering support