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Velocity Result for Swale Stormwater Control Feature

The velocity parameter in a swale is an important consideration with respect to determining erosion possibility, potential swale lining requirements and help inform check-dam design & locations. As it stands you cannot get the velocity result ...
Shane Moynihan 4 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 1 Under consideration

Process statistical reports from Ruby and ICM Exchange.

As part of DWMP running TSR "en masse" may be a requirement.We would like to code these in and export the statistical report results onc ethey are complete.This would save a great deal of time and would be processed in the background.There will be...
Jose Pereira 4 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / API / Exchange 1 Under consideration

Adding Babbit Formula

Requesting addition of Babbit formula peak factor calculation to Infodrainage program, providing comprehensive analysis for efficient and accurate design and decision-making since Babbit formula peak factor calculation method used in many standard...
Mohamad Azzam 11 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 2 Under consideration

2D meshing using Ruby and ICM Exchange

As part of DWMP we are likely to need to create multiple scenarios for each network based on Growth (2035, 2045 etc...). One of the approaches ot the detriment anaylsis will require a 2D approach. Would it be possible to allow meshing from within ...
Jose Pereira 4 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / API / Exchange 1 Under consideration

Provide Velocity Constraint in Multi-Fireflow

Provide the ability to limit velocity for the multi-fireflow run option. Presently only the Fireflow run option offers a max velocity constraint capability; the Multi-Fireflow run option does not have a max velocity feature.
Guest about 1 month ago in InfoWater Pro / Engine 0 Under consideration

Canadian Rainfall Data - Built-in Design Storms

Environment Canada has regional rainfall data that should be available automatically in InfoDrainage similar to the NOAA Design Storms currently available in the Rainfall/Pollutants Tab of the software. This is a pain point for Canadian users, as ...
Guest about 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Rainfall 1 Under consideration

Support for ArcEngine Functions for background layers (no x32 bit support)

The current x64 version of ICM cannot use the ArcEngine / ArcGIS Desktop funcionality, in contrast to previous x32 bit versions of ICM. Since only x64 bit version is now supported, this feature cannot be used. It is one of the most important featu...
Elliot Egan over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / GIS Layers 0 Under consideration

Totalizer Valve and Controls

It would be very useful to have a totalizer valve which closes after a certain amount of flow passes through over a given time, such as 5 MGD over a day, then reopens once that time period has passed. Alternatively, a control option based on a pip...
Guest 2 months ago in InfoWater Pro / Operational Modeling 1 Under consideration

"Initially Closed" and "Check Valve Direction" symbology should adhere to the "show inactive elements" toggle

This is simple enough to do by adding a definition query on the MOTYPE field in conjunction with the existing DSPCODE filter, but currently I would have to manually change this for 4 layers every time I toggle display of inactive elements.
Eric King about 1 month ago in InfoWater Pro / Other 1 Under consideration

Allow Exporting of Summary Data from Observed/Predicted Report with assessment made against wapug criteria in .csv format.

This would make reporting on model verification much quicker with higher accuracy
Roger Swan 11 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Export Data 6 Under consideration