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Automated Skeletonization of models to increase simulation speed

Hydraulic sewer models are becoming increasingly more complex to understand a range of issues. This is ok for short duration simulations, however regulators require us to understand long term performance i.e. simulate 10yr datasets. For large mode...
Tom Walker 9 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / InfoWorks 7 Gathering support

Change the way scenarios work

When scenarios were first introduced the way they were implemented didn't seem intuitive. With increasing interest in such as adaptive pathways the number of scenarios can rapidly increase because each scenario is its own network. This proposal is...
andy.bolden over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Scenario 0 Gathering support

Linear Drainage 2D conduit branch

In complex drainage systems, open channels may culvert in the middle or branch in two directions; it is useful to be able to branch into multiple pipes when modelling open channels in LD2D.
Yota Machii 3 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Network 0 For Review

Commit history for scenarios

Commit history for scenarios Show an extra column in the commit history window to indicate how many scenarios exist in this version of the network. Ideally, there would be a button or column through which you can see the names of the scenarios for...
Annemie Vermeulen over 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Scenario 1 Gathering support

Make Themes sharable between network types

An external IWS file stores a Network type, however, there are uniform Theming that can or should be shared - like Ground Models. Themes needs an overhall to share across models so we dont need to recreate the wheel or edit XML files to get things...
Matt Anderson over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Network 1 Gathering support

I would like improvements for ICM with SWMM engine

add ICM SWMM functionalities that are already available in ICM with regular engine - Area take off - Population data - CN/Runoff coeff. lookup -Create dummy boundaries
Guest about 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / SWMM 6 Gathering support

Capability to restore multiple pruned links

It is cumbersome to restore pruned links one at a time if many assets need to be restored. The ability to restore a selection of pruned links and/or all pruned links would be helpful.
Guest 9 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Network 2 Gathering support

Add time/factor graph to SWMM time patterns editor

Trade waste and wastewater events include a graph showing the factor at each time. SWMM time patterns should also include this graph for interrogation of data.
Guest 6 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / SWMM 1 For Review

I would like to be-able to reorder scenarios in the drop down in ICM

II would like to be able to change order of scenarios (after Base). So be able to move up scenarios or down scenarios in the drop down list. I often have to delete scenarios or created amended versions of copied scenarios and this often results in...
Guest about 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Scenario 2 Gathering support

Add De-select tool

most software systems that include select tools also include de-select tools. Adding a tool to un-select or de-select already selected items should be fairly easy to add.
Guest 6 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Network 2 Gathering support