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InfoWorks ICM

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Modify Peaking Constant/Shape Factor in SCS Routing Model

There isn't a good way to modify the peaking constant also referred to at the shape factor for developing an SCS hydrograph in ICM networks. The most common is 484 which is the constant used in an ICM network, but there are occasional needs to mod...
Ryan Brown 11 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydrology 5 Under consideration

It will great if we can control the display of the labels in ICM to have a better visualization.

For example : the possiblity of changing the precision in the labels (the decimal number of the value )
Guest almost 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Visualization 3 Gathering support

Add support for nodes in Infoworks ICM "custom graph observed/predicted report" to compare water level

I would like to compare predicted(sim) and observed values at nodes for level. Currently the report only supports links, and the closest thing is the pipe depth at the node.
Mel Meng 10 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Reporting 0 Gathering support

Adding Level 3/4 water quality processing to the ICM upm tool.

For future catchment studies, we are looking at completing higher levels of water quality impact assessment, Level 3/Level 4. For this we would like the UPM tool to be able to integrate ICM river models to represent river flows and river quality a...
Guest over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Water Quality 0 Gathering support

Automatically clean completed items from Job Control window

When using InfoWorks ICM across a workgroup server, all the simulations are visible by all users in the job control window. To keep the list manageable this requires each individual user to remember to click remove completed jobs regularly. As lon...
Tom Walker 8 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Results 1 Already exists


As in Arcmap, please include the ability to flash a selected object or via the object search. This is really useful, especially in large models, to quickly see where features are in relation to one another or in the context of the whole network.
Chris Brown 8 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Visualization 3 Already exists

Results management - be able to see the size of sim results before they are downloaded from the cloud

It would offer additional, useful functionality if the user could see the size (MB/GB) of results files BEFORE downloading them locally. This could be shown via the log file, PRN, Results management, simulation properties, or all of the above. Any...
Saul Bradford 12 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Results 2 Gathering support

Be able to create selection lists using ICM Exchange from a list of Node or link IDs

No description provided
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / API / Exchange / Productivity 1 Gathering support

Support for more than two simulations in long sections

When evaluating the effects of raising and lowering roughness it would be helpful to display three or more simulations in the same long section; at the moment it is only possible to display 2.
Richard Body about 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Long Section / Profile / Productivity / Results 0 Gathering support

Export run results to csv: timestep options

When exporting run results to csv, it would be useful to select a timeframe you wish to export (excluding for instance the initial conditions that haven't settled into a level that makes sense). Also exporting at a different timestep than the one ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Export Data / Results 0 Gathering support