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Distribution Network Energy Optimization

Minimize the pumping costs of water distribution while satisfying water demand and operational constraints (water levels, pressure, pump station capacities, future maintenance operations, etc).
Nathan Gerdts 6 months ago in InfoWater Pro / Operational Modeling 0 Gathering support

Tree Pits

Add Tree Pits as a type of SuDS structure.
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 2 Under consideration

Support for defect specific rehabilitation methods and costs

In many cases, the rehabilitation of a pipe is done in a localized manner such as it is the case for point defects like breaks, holes, etc. A pipe might need one, or multiple of these localized repairs. When analyzing the cost and planning for rep...
Martha Nunez almost 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Query types / Capabilities 1 Gathering support

Filters based on validation errors in CCTV

When reviewing validation errors due to discrepancy between CCTV and GIS, it would be useful to filter the inspections based on the validation error. Currently the interface shows which inspections have validation errors. However, as an example, m...
Martha Nunez 10 months ago in Info360 Asset / Data Management 0 Gathering support

More flexibility for pdm runs

We would like to be able to simulate warmup and hydraulic simulations with different input sources. Now the run crashes if for example rainfall data does not match the saved state of the warmup run. It would also be very useful to make it possible...
Guest almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydrology 0 Gathering support

Better functionality for multiruns

- number episodes in episode collection - sort runs according to number - greater timesteps for runoff only runs - resume with next run if a run fails - easy export of maximum results of runs (without results of the runoff only runs)
Guest almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Simulations 0 Gathering support

Include parts mapping files for the UKIE country kit by default.

Across the UKIE region many designers will use the UKIE country kit for building Civil3D models, instead of everyone making their own parts map files this could be an integral part of the data exchange between two Autodesk products, included in th...
Guest 12 months ago in InfoDrainage / Civil3D Integration 1 Under consideration

Automatic Syncing for Civil3D Catchments and Infodrainage

We have been making catchments in Civil3D first and then exporting to Infodrainage. But if the catchments ever need to change , we have to change both the Civil3D catchment that houses our drainage area maps and the infodrainage inflow area. It wo...
Jenna Woyner 12 months ago in InfoDrainage / Civil3D Integration 1 In progress

InfoDrainage Export from Civil3D Catchments Tool

The Catchments tool in CAD can export into ID. However, the only inputs in the Catchment tool are C-Values & TC - this is Rational Method specific but also only imports in as Time of Concentration Method in ID. Requires a manual correction. Th...
Jess Ewing 12 months ago in InfoDrainage / Civil3D Integration 1 In progress

Option to remove the additional storage automatically added in geocellular systems

When designing a cellular soakaway, infodrainage automatically assumes a 1m2 plan area chamber between tank soffit and exceedance level (which would have been specified as ground level). In other structures you can specify freeboard and exceedance...
Guest 4 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 0 For Review