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CAD Data Layer Controls

When you have your CAD files in the drawing, you can control what layers show up. However, you can only select one at a time, you can't sort, and often your selections will reset. This would improve the plan view controls quite a bit.
Jess Ewing 11 months ago in InfoDrainage / Visualization 1 Gathering support

VSP Control based on Tank Head/Level

Currently you can only use Junction Pressure setpoints or Pump Flow setpoints in the VSP Control dialogue. It would be helpful to be able to use a Tank Level/Head setpoint to adjust the pump speed as well. This is possible in competitor products l...
Grant Clemens almost 2 years ago in InfoWater Pro / Operational Modeling 3 Under consideration

PIMP Classification

We have a option to input the type of Impervious area in MicroDrainage, can we carry that feature along with the choosing color code option to based on the PIMP.
Guest 9 months ago in InfoDrainage / Other 1 In progress

Add US and DS HGLs for links

Currently ICM link results report the US and DS total head values. As a user, I'd like to see the HGL at the US and DS locations consistent with the node results. This would be useful on graphs and long sections.
Guest almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Long Section / Profile 0 Gathering support

RTC range: give the choice to include or exclude the minimum or maximum value

Make it possible to define 'greater than (GT)' or 'greater or equal (GE)' in a range in RTC.
Guest almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / RTC 0 Gathering support

RTC rules: order alphabetically

When copying rules, they appear in seemingly random order. When you have a lot of rules it can be very difficult to have an overview
Guest almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / RTC 0 Gathering support

2D Mesh Element Histogram

The 2D Mesh element histogram is not a general-purpose tool. Please make it so. In this case, I need to review and find the Volume error elements - I would like to do a histogram of those. How about other values to "histogram"? I do find that the ...
Matt Anderson 4 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Mesh 2 Under consideration

Add time/factor graph to SWMM time patterns editor

Trade waste and wastewater events include a graph showing the factor at each time. SWMM time patterns should also include this graph for interrogation of data.
Guest 6 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / SWMM 1 For Review

Change upstream pipe connections

The ability to reassign the upstream component of a connection would be so useful. You can bulk import stormwater features and connections from AutoCAD but InfoDrainage does not seem to recognise when the connection is from the stormwater feature ...
Chloe Spencer 4 months ago in InfoDrainage / Other 0 For Review

Zoom graphs on either axis

Many software suites allow the option to zoom in on both y and x axes on their graphs. However, ICM only allows zooming on the x-axis which often takes away the ability to see trends for lower or higher conditions. I am aware that it is possible t...
Guest over 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Calibration / Productivity / Results 4 Gathering support