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Import logs for CCTV when an inspection does not match to a pipe.

This is useful for many reasons related to data management but the following used case came up when talking to Martin and Martin: If a field technician uploads inspections but accidentally inputs a typo under the manhole or pipe asset ID then the ...
Guest about 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Import / Upload 0 Under consideration

Transfer roughness values after cross section extension

When a cross section is extended, the roughness values are not populated automatically when it is probably valid in a significant number of cases to carry forward the existing roughnesses of the cross section end points.
Guest about 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / River Modeling 0 Under consideration

Ability to see what Workspace(s) an Analytic is referenced in

From within an Analytic (Configuration or, more likely, Calculated Result) display the Workspace(s) the Analytic is already surfaced/referenced in for tracking purposes. This could apply to other areas in Info360 Plant to display where a particula...
Amelia over 1 year ago in Info360 Plant / Tools / Analytics 0 Under consideration

Support variable speed in live data

Variable speed is now an unsupported attribute in live data.
Evi Loozen about 5 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Telemetry 2 Under consideration

Access to UDF Data through DB Editor

In InfoWater Pro, the model data can be accessed through the DB Editor. The UDF tool does not have any access to the database tables through the DB Editor. It would be very helpful if I could gain access to the UDF tables through the DB Editor, ev...
Matt Huang over 2 years ago in InfoWater Pro / Data Exchange 0 Under consideration

Allow the components on the dashboard to be moved and/or resized

All of Info360 is configurable except for this dashboard. It would be useful to resize the map to fit the extent of the network (for example).
Brad Thompson over 1 year ago in Info360 Insight / Dashboard 0 Under consideration

Sewer Design - Depth to soffit

InfoDrainage currently has the depths shown as depth to invert when depth to soffit is more useful to ensure the sewer has sufficient cover
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 1 Under consideration

Provide Hydraulic Results in Civil 3D

As a Drainage Design user, I want to annotate the various Hydraulic results in plan and in profile within Civil 3D. I would like these results to automatically appear from my InfoDrainage design results.
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 2 Under consideration

Data Inference Engine - ideally built on ML

As a user I want a tool that will flag and replace periods of bad data with "inferred" data applied through models/ML/ARIMA.We can only derive insights if we have good data and that is the concern of every utility. Data quality especially becomes ...
Nathan Gerdts about 4 years ago in Info360 Insight 1 Under consideration

Persistent Graphs in InfoWater/InfoWater Pro

Stored graphs aren't that great. Why not just make graphs persistent?
Guest about 4 years ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 2 Under consideration