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Access to UDF Data through DB Editor

In InfoWater Pro, the model data can be accessed through the DB Editor. The UDF tool does not have any access to the database tables through the DB Editor. It would be very helpful if I could gain access to the UDF tables through the DB Editor, ev...
Matt Huang over 2 years ago in InfoWater Pro / Data Exchange 0 Under consideration

Allow the components on the dashboard to be moved and/or resized

All of Info360 is configurable except for this dashboard. It would be useful to resize the map to fit the extent of the network (for example).
Brad Thompson over 1 year ago in Info360 Insight / Dashboard 0 Under consideration

Sewer Design - Depth to soffit

InfoDrainage currently has the depths shown as depth to invert when depth to soffit is more useful to ensure the sewer has sufficient cover
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 1 Under consideration

Provide Hydraulic Results in Civil 3D

As a Drainage Design user, I want to annotate the various Hydraulic results in plan and in profile within Civil 3D. I would like these results to automatically appear from my InfoDrainage design results.
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 2 Under consideration

Data Inference Engine - ideally built on ML

As a user I want a tool that will flag and replace periods of bad data with "inferred" data applied through models/ML/ARIMA.We can only derive insights if we have good data and that is the concern of every utility. Data quality especially becomes ...
Nathan Gerdts about 4 years ago in Info360 Insight 1 Under consideration

Persistent Graphs in InfoWater/InfoWater Pro

Stored graphs aren't that great. Why not just make graphs persistent?
Guest about 4 years ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 2 Under consideration

GIS and Reporting Capabilities

I just had a meeting with Orange County, FL. They just want a tool that can do really good reporting. See example attached where you need GIS info, GIS map, SCADA data summarization and Info collected from a work order in a CMMS (Maximo in this ca...
Guest about 4 years ago in Info360 Insight 1 Under consideration

Data Sets

It would be very helpful if, for any data set that is created by creating a clone of another data set, you could keep track of that. Perhaps a visually branched system of data sets to see if any of the sets were created based on another set. That ...
Guest about 4 years ago in InfoWater Pro 1 Under consideration

Add maintenance as a type of incident

It would be useful if 'maintenance' was added as an incident type to allow sensor maintenance to be captured in Insight. This is applicable for a service provider installing sensors and monitoring a network on behalf of a client.
Brad Thompson almost 2 years ago in Info360 Insight / Incident Manager 0 Under consideration

Export Inspection function should export only the selected inspections (checkbox selected), not all Inspections

When using the checkboxes to select certain Inspection IDs(Task>PACP Inspections) it is intuitive that any actions performed afterward will only affect the selected Inspections.However, the Export function ignores the selections made by checkin...
Daniel'le DeVoss 12 months ago in Info360 Asset / Data Export 1 Under consideration