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InfoWorks ICM

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Automated Skeletonization of models to increase simulation speed

Hydraulic sewer models are becoming increasingly more complex to understand a range of issues. This is ok for short duration simulations, however regulators require us to understand long term performance i.e. simulate 10yr datasets. For large mode...
Tom Walker 8 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / InfoWorks 7 Gathering support

Bank line export for inline banks

If you export ICM results, the inline banks are now exported as the lines between the 2D outfall and the node that determines the 1D level. This is a meaningless object, whereas exporting the bank line geometry that is attached to it makes it much...
Marcel Glasbergen 4 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Reporting 1 Gathering support

Time series results for thematic maps

In the current state you need to add simulation results to a model and then preform a SQL to add a TSR result to a userfield. It would be easier to just add TSR results to the thematic SQL options.
Farhan Meke 8 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Theme 0 For Review

Remove Need to Validate When Changing Background Layers

Suggest that a network not need to validated or show that it was edited (red circle) for only switching on/off a background (e.g., aerial)layer would be appreciated. Keeping scenarios straight is tough enough w/out the additional heart attack when...
Guest over 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity / Validation 3 Will not implement

A Case for Supporting 2 InfoWorks and 2 SWMM Networks as the current and background networks

A Case for Supporting 2 InfoWorks and 2 SWMM Networks as the current and background networks. In other words, InfoWorks is the current background, and SWMM is the current and background. Right now, it is SWMM and InfoWorks as the current and backg...
Robert Dickinson 2 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Workgroup 1 For Review

Import tool - Import external SWMM5 time series does not work for either ICM InfoWorks or SWMM if the dat file has a time series with the same name as a Raingage

import tool - Import external SWMM5 time series does not work for ICM InfoWorks or SWMM if the data file has a time series with the same name as a Raingage. As mentioned, you cannot import an external rain file in SWMM5 format if the external file...
Robert Dickinson 2 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Rainfall 0 For Review

Long Section to AutoCAD DWG

As the Alternative Results in the Long Section are bogus (they are not Level or height above datum) instead are displayed as depth above invert) - we need a better way to compare existing simulation results and proposed results in a long section. ...
Guest 4 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity 0 For Review

Change the way scenarios work

When scenarios were first introduced the way they were implemented didn't seem intuitive. With increasing interest in such as adaptive pathways the number of scenarios can rapidly increase because each scenario is its own network. This proposal is...
andy.bolden over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Scenario 0 Gathering support

Create an RTC field within object properties in ICM

Currently in order to establish where & how RTC's are influencing a network, you are required to open the RTC editor window / expand each individual RTC to see all the details & cross reference any object ID's to see if it may be affecting...
Shaun Vial almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / RTC 1 Gathering support

Optimise Head / Discharge curves automatically for simulations

When simulating models, it is often necessary to consolidate the values in a H/Q curve to retain the hydraulic performance but optimize the simulation speed. As during previous correspondence with the InfoWorks support team, this has been advised ...
Tom Walker 10 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Orifice 2 Gathering support