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Product InfoWorks ICM
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Created by matthew.piggott
Created on Nov 29, 2024

Display critical results for indvidual elements

With the variability of design rainfall patterns, critical hydraulic results (mean/median/min/max) often occur at different rainfall durations for different elements (eg specific pipe/MH/channel/etc) within a network for the same rainfall event probability (eg 1% AEP). Often reporting is required to highlight the critical storm causing the critical hydraulic result for each element. Having the ability to display this in the plan view and long section view (plus export options) would save huge amounts of time spent having to stitch these results together in other 3rd party software - keeping ICM as a singular integrated tool!

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  • Robert Dickinson
    Nov 29, 2024

    Good idea, but you can do this with SQL and Ruby. However, I at least have to save the results to user fields to the plan view. This is a great quote - keeping ICM as a singular integrated tool!