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Update Storage array from ground model

Provide the ability to update a storage array (curve) from ground model without destroying manually entered data
Guest over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydraulics / Productivity / Results 0 Gathering support

AutoCAD Civil 3D TIN Surfaces

I would like to import Autodesk Civil 3D TIN surfaces (including point clouds) into ICM as ground models without exporting to LandXML
Guest over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Import data / Terrain 2 Gathering support

Save Clicks: Open Properties upon object selection

Autodesk does a really great job on the UX by eliminating extra clicks. When trying to get to edit data buried on the property panels when there are multiple objects - selection, right-click, edit propeties, results in double selection of the obje...
Matt Anderson 7 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity 0 Gathering support

Contours and Spot Elevation data for Elevation Extractor in InfoWater Pro

While rasters remain the best way to assign elevations throughout the model, InfoWater also supported other formats using interpolation such as contours and point elevation. Please add these file types in InfoWater Pro.
Guest over 3 years ago in InfoWater Pro / Data Exchange 0 Gathering support

Support for InfoAsset Planner migrations -- CCTV inspections

With the I2S program, customers will be incentivized to move from IAP to Info360 asset. They might do this via an implementation or conduct the process themselves either way, the process is not simple and it requires the user to take several steps...
Guest about 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Import / Upload / Other 1 Gathering support

roll back commit history

We can see what the commit history is, but if you made a mistake and committed it there's no way to go back without making a new branch. Would be good to be able to roll back changes to a selected point in the commit history so your mistake isn't...
Ben Davies almost 3 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro 1 Gathering support

Ability to access databases where Workgroup Data Server and databases don't reside on same server

With the large amounts of data generated it would be beneficial if a supported configuration would be to have a WDS installed on a server but pointing at databases (and solves etc) over the network on a remote storage system (such as NAS). This wo...
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Workgroup 0 Gathering support

Allow Meshing Ids to not vary from scenario to scenario if "grading" is completed

Suggest maintaining some numbering scheme of clip meshing so if one proposal is regrading, we can perform a mesh zone comparison without resorting to a giant waste of time exporting to GIS to figure out the difference as each mesh element number g...
Matt Anderson 7 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Mesh 1 Gathering support

Bridge section data updates

When a bridge section is changed then there are repeatable tasks for entering openings again, if this workflow could be improved that would be great.
Guest about 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Bridge / Hydraulics 0 Gathering support

Ability to override spatial layers.

There should be a way to override spatial layers by specifying the same name under the spatial layer title under the import page.
Martha Nunez over 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Asset / Spatial Data Import 0 Gathering support