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Apply direct inflows to permeable paving

There should be a way of applying the inflow that the paving receives directly (i.e. the rain that falls onto it) to produce a more accurate simulation of the rainfall. This direct rainfall isn't a lateral or point inflow, and being forced to mode...
Craig Bobbett 6 days ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 0 For Review

Setting styles during Civil 3D import

It would be great to be able to set the style to pipes and structures during the import process from InfoDrainage into Civil 3D.
Guest 6 days ago in InfoDrainage / Civil3D Integration 0 For Review

Allow changing graphic order when creating historical charts

When building a historical chart, Info360 overlays the sensors in the same order as they are configured. When the visualization of a sensor is an area, and this sensor is not added first, then the area will overlay the trends for the other sensors...
Javier Coronado 12 days ago in Info360 Plant / Workspaces 0 For Review

Option to change selection method to avoid the Multiple Selection dialogue

Often when I'm working on the GeoPlan, I want to select, identify, or label multiple nodes or links. Every time I click on one that intersects with a sub catchment though, I have to deal with the multiple selection dialogue and choose which featur...
Guest 13 days ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity 1 For Review

Attenuation Volume Summary Analysis

It would be useful to have access to a table that summarises all the attenuation volumes within the site include elements such as tanks, filter trenches, pipes, manholes etc. Similar to what was available in MicroDrainage
Guest 3 months ago in InfoDrainage / Auditing / Reviewing 0 For Review

In-sewer water temperature model

In-sewer water temperature monitoring has been around for a while. It is useful for identifying groundwater infiltration, potential heat recovery locations, optimising chemical dosing, predicting H2S build up and other key sewer processes. A dynam...
John Ward about 2 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Simulations 2 For Review


bugBounty BugBounty 8 days ago in Other Product Ideas / Other 2 For Review

By default display ID in alphabetical order in Control Center Overview in InfoWater Pro

By default display ID in alphabetical order in Control Center Overview in InfoWater Pro
Mickey Liu 10 days ago in InfoWater Pro 0 For Review

Easier data exchange for pump curves

We want an easy way to export out all pump data, including the pump curve information.Currently to do this using Open Data Export Centre, you need to manually add the pump triplet fields after clicking Auto-map.We want an easier way to get all the...
Nathan Gerdts 20 days ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Data Exchange 1 For Review

Infiltration trench with varying depth.

It should be possible to design an infiltration trench where the long slope at the base of the trench is different to the slope at exceedance level i.e. the depth of the trench varies. Extremely useful for designing a trench that does not match fa...
Guest 9 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 0 For Review