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Minimum mesh element area

As we are aware that "Minimum mesh area" will be used in calculating the results. However, presently there is no specific function that directly displays the min mesh element area generated and its associated element ID. Validation needs to be per...
Guest over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydraulics 0 Gathering support

RTC Debugging Interface and Support

It would be really useful to have a debugging module for the RTC components in InfoWorks ICM so that one can go step by step through a simulation to display in simulation RTC values-things like variable values (e.g. timers), range/logic values, ac...
Guest over 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / API / Exchange / RTC 1 Gathering support

snap river reach lines to cross sections

When creating river reach links the vertices should snap to cross sections so that vertices are only created on the cross-section lines (if vertices are to close on river reach objects you get meshing problems later on!) and is easier to follow th...
Guest over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / River Modeling 0 Gathering support

River reach theming

It would be great if a river reach could be themed individually across the left and right banks and if theming were more flexible for storage areas too.
Guest about 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / River Modeling / Visualization 0 Gathering support

Lateral inflows from event data for rivers

Currently it is possible to add lateral inflows to a river via subcatchments, if we could also do this directly from event data or TSDB that would be great.
Guest about 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Events / Flow / Hydraulics 0 Gathering support

Orifice to limit flow in both directions

A limiting discharge set on an orifice should limit flow in both directions. Currently, the orifice limits flow in the forward direction; however, flow can go in the reverse direction at an unlimited rate. Hydraulically, if there is a physical fea...
Guest over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydraulics / Orifice 0 Gathering support

Drain to 2D line source from subcatchment

The current function allows rainfall runoff to be given to a node, link, multiple links and 2D point source, but not to 2D line source. We are modelling rivers with 2D meshes, but thinking to represent rainfall runoff with subcatchments, as it is ...
Miyuki Okuda over 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / 2D Flooding / Hydraulics 0 Gathering support

Rating curves / equations as downstream boundaries

At the moment we can use 'user control' links to act upstream of the DS boundary. These links have head/flow/power as their inputs. It would be useful to have a dedicated object that could be either a look up table of levels (rather than heads) an...
Richard Body over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Events / Hydraulics 0 Gathering support

Sim Slots

There should be an option to select to limit sim slots to be used by a model so other models dont go in waiting when running sims simulataneously .
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydraulics 0 Gathering support

Multiple river section results

It would be great if multiple river sections could be selected and if it was then possible to produce multiple object graphs from these and by extension do exports.
Guest about 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / River Modeling 0 Gathering support