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InfoWorks WS Pro

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WS Pro to allow for maxconc at node/hydrant

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Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Water Quality 1 Gathering support

Sort selection sets/ re-order them

Would be very useful if you could either sort selection set orders or move selections up or down the list. This would make it much faster to find the selection set you want in a large list (e.g. DMA selection sets in alphabetical order)
Duncan Allen over 4 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro 1 Gathering support

Basemap support

The current x64 version of WS Pro doesn't seem to be able to use the ArcEngine / ArcGIS Desktop functionality, in contrast to previous x32 bit versions? Since only x64 bit version is now supported, this feature cannot be used. It is one of the mos...
Guest about 1 year ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Other 2 Under consideration

Populate Pump run schedule based on telemetry data in WS Pro

As a planning modeler calibrating within WS Pro, I want to use the "Load from Live Data" tool on pumps in Plan mode to populate the Control Data timeseries profile based on a data stream of 1's and 0's indicating on/off. While this is already avai...
Guest over 3 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Telemetry 0 Gathering support

Option to display in the same time assignments of properties to nodes and to pipes

Add an option to map to display in the same time assignments of properties to nodes and to pipes. At the moment it is not possible as the 'Customer Point Demand Assignment' option is a radio button.
Guest almost 5 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro 1 Will not implement

I want to be able to see what connected Agents are doing and trouble shoot connections from within WS Pro

A command centre program for WS Pro/IWLive runs which shows connected agents and marshallers and all the runs in a simulation workgroup in one place. Better simulation workgroup diagnostics. I am trying to trouble shoot remote VPN issues and the ...
Ann Pugh almost 5 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro 0 Will not implement

Enable re-runs for selected scenarios

With the new Reserved Run workflow I can re-run simulations with my latest changes quickly without needing to commit. However if I'm using scenarios in the run, WS Pro re-runs all scenarios every time, even if there weren't any changes. I want an ...
Nathan Gerdts over 1 year ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Productivity 0 Gathering support

Multiple control options

Assets with controls (Pumps, PRVs etc.) should have multiple control options. So Control 1 could be a control regime applicable to model calibration. Control 2 could be control relevant to a General Applications model, Controls 3, 4, 5 etc c...
Guest about 4 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Productivity 1 Already exists

More user friendly management on toolbars

The standard position of the toolbars is all on top of each other. If you want to move a toolbar from its standard position, the compact toolbars turn into floating windows. Returning the toolbar back to its compact shape will also return the tool...
Hidde Galema over 1 year ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Persona 2 Gathering support

Prevent tabs in Grid windows from always being hidden by scroll bar

The horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the grid window occupies half the screen by default and needs to be constantly moved every time to access a common tab like pumps. Like EVERYTIME you close the window. It is actually a huge pain and shoul...
Casey Shannon over 1 year ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Productivity 1 Gathering support