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Tree Pits

Add Tree Pits as a type of SuDS structure.
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 2 Under consideration

3D View of flooded manholes

The extent of flooding in the 3D view should be proportional to the volume of flooding of that manhole. At the moment it shows the same extent of flooding whether it's 0.1m3 or 100m3. Would make visualisation the extent and location of flooding on...
Guest 8 months ago in InfoDrainage / Visualization 1 Already exists

Include parts mapping files for the UKIE country kit by default.

Across the UKIE region many designers will use the UKIE country kit for building Civil3D models, instead of everyone making their own parts map files this could be an integral part of the data exchange between two Autodesk products, included in th...
Guest about 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Civil3D Integration 1 Under consideration

Change upstream pipe connections

The ability to reassign the upstream component of a connection would be so useful. You can bulk import stormwater features and connections from AutoCAD but InfoDrainage does not seem to recognise when the connection is from the stormwater feature ...
Chloe Spencer 4 months ago in InfoDrainage / Other 0 For Review

Automatic Syncing for Civil3D Catchments and Infodrainage

We have been making catchments in Civil3D first and then exporting to Infodrainage. But if the catchments ever need to change , we have to change both the Civil3D catchment that houses our drainage area maps and the infodrainage inflow area. It wo...
Jenna Woyner about 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Civil3D Integration 1 In progress

InfoDrainage Export from Civil3D Catchments Tool

The Catchments tool in CAD can export into ID. However, the only inputs in the Catchment tool are C-Values & TC - this is Rational Method specific but also only imports in as Time of Concentration Method in ID. Requires a manual correction. Th...
Jess Ewing about 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Civil3D Integration 1 In progress

Run same return period with multiple climate change allowances

When running the simulation wizard I would like to be able to run the same return period with multiple climate change allowances to enable a single analysis covering all scenarios. This will avoid needing to adjust inputs & rerunning the netwo...
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 1 Already exists

Provide Enhanced Manhole Schedule Details

It would be great to have the option of providing an additional level of customisable detail which could be configured on MH Schedules. As an example including practical details around the cover – contractors want to know and see more from a MH s...
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 1 Gathering support

"Show Maxima" Button

It would be great if there were a "show maximum" button like there is in InfoWorks ICM where you can see at what point in the simulation there is the most surcharge. this would save time trying to manually move the timeline to exactly where someth...
Midori Patterson about 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Productivity 1 Gathering support

SWMM Export from InfoDrainage

Certain authorities use other SWMM-based software for review purposes or as their city-wide model that needs to be updated. We need to export a SWMM file for more universal submittal purposes, even if InfoDrainage uses a modified SWMM engine.
Midori Patterson about 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Data Exchange 3 Under consideration