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Increasing speed of UPM water quality tool

As part of SOAF, we are required to run CSO water quality analyses using 10-year simulations. Using these outputs in the UPM tool often takes a long time. Whilst the tool is running, the modeller cannot use ICM for completing other tasks. We have ...
Guest over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Water Quality 0 Gathering support

InfoWorks ICM needs to number 2D mesh elements using a Hexagon framework or similiar method if this is stormwater design tool of the future

A remesh in a scenario will move mesh element IDs all over the place rendering a new channel useless for design purposes. The maximum wsel equations makes the mesh look like a kalediscope. Uber uses Hexagons to subdivide the world, and I am sugges...
Matt Anderson 7 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / 2D Flooding 3 Gathering support

dark mode

for people that are spending a big amount of time in ICM, a dark mode would be ideal, don't know why this hasn't been implemented yet, since most of the apps have this option and there isn't really any option to change the appearence colours in th...
Ionut Pintea over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Visualization 2 Gathering support

Save toolbar and screen configurations and locations

I run InfoWorks on my laptop, and have an external monitor. I find I'm often searching for toolbar buttons because switching between the two monitors of different sizes re-configures the locations of the various toolbars and screens. For example,...
Dave White over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity 4 Gathering support

Export mesh ground levels to a ground model grid file

Using 2D mesh zones and mesh level zones can quickly get messy and difficult to visualise the changes that have been made and compare them to nearby ground levels. If there was a function to turn the ground levels of a mesh into a ground model gri...
Daniel Bloomfield 6 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Grids 1 Gathering support

Junction Loss

There need to be more options for calculating junction loss. Having values for entry and exit loss isn't enough. Recommend HEC-22 and AASHTO at a minimum.
Guest 7 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 2 Gathering support

Please add an Innovyze section to the autodesk forums

Hello, Innovyze previously had a forum available for their products. After the software was purchased by autodesk, this no longer seems to exist. I believe having a forum where users can post questions and troubleshoot their issues would be very h...
Endrit Shabani about 1 year ago in InfoWater Pro / Other 2 Gathering support

Add a new Special Query for "Demand Junctions" in the Domain Manager

Currently you have to either make your own tediously long query, or you can run a simulation and use output filters, but it should exist as a built-in Special Query.
Grant Clemens 11 months ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 1 Gathering support

Adding Copy&Paste functionalities to the ICM UPM tool outputs

We would like to be able to easily copy paste the summarised results given by the UPM tool. We currently have to manually copy these results into excel which is prone to human error.
Guest over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Water Quality 0 Gathering support

Updating the water quality UPM tool to be compliant with the 3rd edition of the UPM manual for Level 1 water quality analysis.

Updating the water quality UPM tool to be compliant with the 3rd edition of the UPM manual for Level 1 water quality analysis. This includes: Removing the dependency of exceedances in a river on spill duration. This would provide a more robust app...
Guest over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Water Quality 0 Gathering support