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Provide Preconfigured Rehab Decision Tree Logic for Customers to Get Started

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Mike Maylone about 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Decision Tree Canvas 3 Under consideration

Create an option in the Domain Manager to add elements by ID

The workflow to add a list of element IDs to the domain is too complicated. Simplify this by creating a new option in the Domain Manager, it could just open a table where you set the number of rows and paste IDs from a list/table copied from a pro...
Grant Clemens about 1 year ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 2 Under consideration

SWMM Export from InfoDrainage

Certain authorities use other SWMM-based software for review purposes or as their city-wide model that needs to be updated. We need to export a SWMM file for more universal submittal purposes, even if InfoDrainage uses a modified SWMM engine.
Midori Patterson about 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Data Exchange 3 Under consideration

Baseline Replacement Cost Tool

IAP has a very simple baseline replacement cost tool. It has been requested to be in Info360 Asset. Could be rolled into the deterioration modeling tool.
Tim Medearis about 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Rehabilitation Planning 1 Under consideration

Live integration with ArcGIS Online

When updating a risk and rehabilitation model, users would like to make sure the data they are using is up to date. Much of this data such as roads, parcels, waterbodies, etc. comes from their GIS systems which get updated quarterly, semi-annual, ...
Martha Nunez 11 months ago in Info360 Asset / Esri 1 Under consideration

Build your own expression for risk model total risk calculation

As a user, I want to build my own expression when creating a risk model. For example, I want to bias the model myself and then normalize to 100. Total risk = ((LOF * 0.3) + (COF * 0.7)) * 10 I could even use the expression editor currently availab...
Mike Maylone over 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Risk Configuration / Calculation 0 Under consideration

Backwards Compatibility with Versions

Backwards Compatibility between updates. Sometimes not everyone is working on the same version of Infrodrainage, I get why this is in place but would be helpful if this was in place somehow, like all of 2024 could work together rather than specifi...
Guest over 1 year ago in InfoDrainage 1 Under consideration

I want a Gully Space calculations tool in InfoDrainage

InfoDrainage - want to do Gully space calculations or assess capacity of different gullies. can you add the gully design tool to InfoDrainage?
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 1 Under consideration

Include the volume of the downstram manhole ONLY if selected

Change behaviour of Storage Operations: Calculate total storage... function. The current behaviour is unintuitive and incorrect.
Guest 7 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Network 3 Under consideration

Group of Sensors in Analytics

Adding the ability to use group/multiple sensors within the functions (min, max, avg/trends, etc.) of the analytics tool. Ex: Being able to use the highest function on a group of pressure sensors to generate the highest pressure value in the group
Hunter Sparks about 1 year ago in Info360 Insight / Tools / Analytics 1 Under consideration