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Simulation Health Improvements

In certain instances, the suggestions provided in "Simulation Health: The results indicate flow continuity issues, even when the shortest time step is already selected in InfoDrainage" may not resolve the problem. This could be addressed by incorp...
Guest 11 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 1 In progress

Support for 'Count of work orders' rehab query

Users can use this query to use historical work on the pipe as part of decision making for future work. This query should allow the Type and Status of the work order to be queried as well.
Martha Nunez over 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Query types / Capabilities 1 In progress

Allow to use analytics as the main KPI in the KPI component in workspaces.

Currently the KPI component in workspaces only allows to use physical sensors and excludes analytics. Analytics can only be used as comparison point. UU has created an analytic which they wish use as the main KPI in this workspace component.
Guest 4 months ago in Info360 Plant / Workspaces 0 In progress

Support for user defined fields under asset attribute tables

Current asset table imports are limited to the fields Info360 Asset provides. User defined fields allows for users to import any asset attribute fields they are interested in storing and analyzing without the need to use a custom table to import t...
Martha Nunez over 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Asset / Spatial Data Import 3 In progress

Ability to utilize an alternative asset ID for the Info360 Asset/Info360 Insight integration

Unfortunately, sometimes the InfoWater Pro model has different asset IDs compared to the source asset GIS. This makes the InfoWater Pro integration with Info360 Asset and Info360 Insight unusable when the source GIS is used in these products. The ...
Martha Nunez about 1 year ago in InfoWater Pro / Data Exchange 0 In progress

Allow entry of night use value for ILI calculation

InfoWorks WS Pro uses a night use value litres/connection/hour for demand area calculation. It would be nice if we could enter this value into Insight instead of a volume.
Brad Thompson over 1 year ago in Info360 Insight / Tools / Analytics 0 In progress

Seamless Import/Export of Civil 3d pipe networks into ICM.

Seamless Import/Export of Civil 3d pipe networks into ICM. It just make sense now the companies are joined rather than having to work-around/manipulate data between the two.
Gregory Smith about 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Data Exchange / Export Data / Import data / Sharing 3 In progress

Ability to customize tool tips.

It allows the user to access information much quicker while conducting reviews in the map.
Martha Nunez 11 months ago in Info360 Asset 1 In progress

Basic Data Management Tools

Users can view individual records in a table, edit existing records, delete, append, update, etc. Record types include: Assets, Spatial layers, User defined tables, Inspections
Mike Maylone about 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Data Editing / Data Management 0 In progress

Easy pop up chart on image schematics

When interacting with image-schematics, instead of creating a chart in the workspace, users would like the idea to have a simple pop-up (modal) chart they can quickly view and dismiss
Pete Mcintosh 12 months ago in Info360 Insight / Images 0 In progress