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InfoWater Pro

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Add summary statistic results for MSX outputs

I want to view Min, Max, and Avg statistics for my MSX results directly on the map so that I can summarize results spatially. Currently MSX results provide time-varying results for mapping of each species, but not the summary statistics across the...
Nathan Gerdts 7 months ago in InfoWater Pro / Water Quality 0 Gathering support

VSP Control based on Tank Head/Level

Currently you can only use Junction Pressure setpoints or Pump Flow setpoints in the VSP Control dialogue. It would be helpful to be able to use a Tank Level/Head setpoint to adjust the pump speed as well. This is possible in competitor products l...
Grant Clemens over 1 year ago in InfoWater Pro / Operational Modeling 3 Under consideration

Export manager scope should include Selection Sets

Export manager "Element Scope" currently only allows All, Domain, and User selection for the scope of the elements to export. A combo box with the list of selection sets would be useful and likely easy to implement.
Colin Ricks 9 months ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 0 Gathering support

Automate the "geodatabase rebuild" troubleshooting process

When models start to behave erratically or sluggish, a common recommendation is to "rebuild the model geodatabase" as shown here: It wou...
Grant Clemens 4 months ago in InfoWater Pro / Automation 0 Gathering support

Provide option to allow for several multipliers and use with selection sets

In addition to a global multiplier, sometimes you want to peak certain areas and selection sets with specific peaking factors. WaterCAD allows for this under their calculation options.
Michele Marston 4 months ago in InfoWater Pro / Operational Modeling 0 Gathering support

Copy all settings from parent when creating new Scenario

When creating a new child Scenario, all the data sets are copied from the parent. However the Facility settings and General settings are ignored and the system defaults are used. Please copy all settings when creating new Scenarios to avoid errors.
Nathan Gerdts 7 months ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 0 Gathering support

Move the Refresh Output checkbox

Refresh Output should be checked 99.9% of the time, if you accidentally uncheck it then you might unknowingly look at old results Map Displays do not update. Can this checkbox be moved to somewhere not in the Model Explorer so it is less likely to...
Grant Clemens 5 months ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 0 Gathering support

Add button for show/hide inactive elements.

I frequently turn the inactive elements on & off in InfoWater Pro. Right now, this requires multiple mouse clicks & is inefficient. A button added to the ribbon and/or Model Explorer would be ideal.
Guest 11 months ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 0 Gathering support

Customize ArcGIS Pro ribbon with command center modeling tools

While building and editing models, I want to customize easy access to tools currently burried in the Command Center (e.g. Trace Network, Join/Remove Layer tables, Clear message board, etc.). ArcGIS Pro lets you customize toolbars, but these comman...
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoWater Pro 0 Gathering support

Ability to utilize an alternative asset ID for the Info360 Asset/Info360 Insight integration

Unfortunately, sometimes the InfoWater Pro model has different asset IDs compared to the source asset GIS. This makes the InfoWater Pro integration with Info360 Asset and Info360 Insight unusable when the source GIS is used in these products. The ...
Martha Nunez 9 months ago in InfoWater Pro / Data Exchange 0 In progress