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InfoWorks WS Pro

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WS Pro control should be based on current time step

Add option in WS Pro so that control status of objects is controlled by the flow solution in the current time step, not the previous time step. The way WS Pro currently works, with the control based on the previous TS often results in pump on/off ...
Haddon Smith almost 4 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Engine 0 Gathering support

As a user it is good to allow tab windows to take it out to the second or third display

Tab windows are not allowed to move main window to second display.
Guest about 4 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro 0 Will not implement

As a user of InfoWorks WS PRO, I would like to better simulate FMV valves

In InfoWorks WS PRO is possible to simulate FMV valves, but I would like to introduce a "deviation" option to better simulate it. I give an example: imagine a valve whose pressure setting is 2 Bar if flow is from 0 to 10 L/s, and 2.5 Bar if flow ...
Paolo Boiardi almost 5 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Engine 0 Gathering support

IWLive Pro to adopt simulation periods of ICMLive

Each simulation has a hindcast period, now and a forecast period
Guest about 5 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro 0 Gathering support

I want more flexible shutdown runs

e.g.: I want to be able to evaluate shutdwon of pumping stations in 1 one run, now I have to create a seperate run for each pumping station. A workaround I use is closing links with a GRM config, but this only shuts down links for the whole simula...
Caroline Heylen about 3 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Operations 1 Under consideration

Change the default colour of the background from white to other colours

Change the default colour of the background from white to other colours to help the user interface and improve the user experience.
Guest over 3 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Other 0 Gathering support

Provide a Standard Warehouse of new assets

Allow the company that is running the software to define a standard warehouse of new assets so the modellers using it know the assets they are adding have the settings (diameters) of the actual assets or pipes that particular company uses.
Guest over 3 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro 1 Gathering support

I have been testing your export features using a number of simulation results with a selection set. This does not work as it is supposed to

Results export to CSV does not work with selection sets, it always just exports all of the network
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro 0 Will not implement

Hyperlinks to specific pages within a document, not just the file/folder

When adding hyperlinks to features within the properties, enable the ability to link to a specific page within the document itself rather than just opening the document on the first page or folder.
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Productivity 0 Gathering support

allow multiple selection lists in a shutdown simulation

I am currently working on a long-term planning of our pipeline renovation projects. I need to determine which projects can be executed simultaneously. My approach at this time is to create a selection list of all the pipes that would be taken out ...
Guest almost 5 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro 0 Will not implement