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Status Gathering support
Categories Data Exchange
Created by Juan Carlos Ortega
Created on May 8, 2023

The "join model" tool does not work correctly with Scenarios

The Infoworks Join Model Tool does not work correctly with Topologies and Controls containing different scenarios

In the resulting united model, it maintains the four scenarios, but in all four scenarios the Topology and Control are the same, it replaces the Topologies and Controls of the different scenarios with the Topology and Control of the Base scenario.

This implies, that it does not happen as when extracting a part of a model with several scenarios (Topology and Control) where only the scenario that is being displayed is extracted, but with the "Unite models" tool the resulting united model maintains the scenarios previously existing but without maintaining the previous Topologies or Controls of each scenario, instead they are replaced by the Topology and Control of the base scenario.
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La herramienta "Unir modelos" no funciona correctamente con Escenarios

La Herramienta de Infoworks de unir modelos no funciona correctamente con las Topologías y Controles que contienen escenarios distintos En el modelo resultante unido mantiene los cuatro escenarios, pero en los cuatro escenarios la Topología y Cont...
Juan Carlos Ortega almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Operations 0 Gathering support