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Level Soffits in pipe network.

Although you can select Level Soffits in the Network Wizard, if you make a change in the manhole depth for example, the pipes in the network will return to invert level, which means that you will have to readjust them manually.
Konstantinos Koutroulis about 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 1 In progress

Add ability to create custom channel as underdrain (not just pipe)

Currently, you can only chose a pipe or multiple pipes as the underdrain within various features (infiltration trench, dry swale etc.). It would be great if a custom channel (section) could be used so an infiltration trench could be used to model ...
Guest 4 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 0 For Review

Allow two Infodrainage files to be combined

Request for a paste, copy, cut branch to file options, to allow two Infodrainage files to be combined. As the available in Microdrainage
Guest 11 months ago in InfoDrainage / Other 1 Gathering support

Improve import to Civil 3D interface for multiple networks

When importing a second network into Civil 3D, the parts list option is locked and not the same as the parts list selected for the first network (both networks are within the same Infordrainage model).
Guest 5 months ago in InfoDrainage / Civil3D Integration 0 For Review

Pipe Intersection coordinates

Whilst setting the coords of a pipe intersection is a good feature, in certain common cases InfoDrainage does not allow for setting the correct setting of grade and levels of pipework, and due to its calculations can output levels against a certai...
Guest 7 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 1 Gathering support

Bioretention Underdrain Slope / Additional layer Options

Virginia specifications for a bioretention requires the underdrain to have a slope to it, but Infodrainage slope does not allow for this in the SWC bioretention SWC. Also, we sometimes have to place the underdrains in a trench below the storage la...
Jenna Woyner about 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Hydrology 2 Already exists

Pipe names missing in export from Civil3D

When exporting pipes from Civil3D to Infodrainage, the pipe names keep reverting to the autogenerated names given when pipe is created in Civil3D even though they were renamed in Civil3D.
Jenna Woyner about 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Civil3D Integration 1 Under consideration

Retain company logo in Hard Copy Headings

Company logo/attached image currently disappears from Hard Copy Headings after closing and reopening InfoDrainage. Other headings are retained. The image should also be retained when the file is reopened.
Daniel'le DeVoss 9 months ago in InfoDrainage / Reporting 2 Gathering support

CAD Data Layer Controls

When you have your CAD files in the drawing, you can control what layers show up. However, you can only select one at a time, you can't sort, and often your selections will reset. This would improve the plan view controls quite a bit.
Jess Ewing 11 months ago in InfoDrainage / Visualization 1 Gathering support

PIMP Classification

We have a option to input the type of Impervious area in MicroDrainage, can we carry that feature along with the choosing color code option to based on the PIMP.
Guest 9 months ago in InfoDrainage / Other 1 In progress