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InfoWorks ICM

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Export both the result and the underlying property fields

When the model results are displayed on the webpage through Exchange, since the basic properties need to be viewed, the corresponding basic properties of the results need to be exported first, and then the results are matched to the basic properti...
Liu Qiusheng about 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Export Data / Simulations 0 Gathering support

Convergence Errors be resolved automatically while the model is simulated

Sometime a TSR running for few weeks throws up convergence hence these sims need to be rerun with shorter timestep which is both inefficient and a lot of time is wasted. It would be good if somehow the simulations dialog allowed to run the model w...
Salam Jamadar about 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Performance / Simulations 0 Gathering support

Theme mapping for rain gauges boundary lines generated using Thiessen polygons method

Boundary lines generated with the Thiessen Polygon methodology to define the boundaries for different rain gauges are too thin when they are automatically generated inside ICM. This make them quite difficult to see when a model is loaded with many...
Guest almost 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Rainfall / Theme / Visualization 0 Gathering support

Can the simulation log file be broken up into sections

Can the simulation log file be broken up into sections, as models get bigger and many with several 2d zone trying to find what is actual causing a simulations failure is becoming a bit more difficult having to scroll through big log files for that...
Guest about 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Errors / Reporting 0 Gathering support

Flags for tracing and long section

Placing flags at any node and having a "connect" button based on network connectivity leads to a big increase in workflow productivity. Flag tracing can be very useful for long section selection, upstream tracing from pump stations, and long secti...
Casey Shannon over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Results 1 Gathering support

Option to pan through 2 or multiple geoplans at the same time

Sometimes (in ICM and IAM) in comparing 2 (or more) networks visually the networks are most of the time tiled horizontally of vertically. But when panning through one network, it would be very convenient that the other network(s) is/are also movin...
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity 0 Gathering support

Report InfoSWMM available capacity against theoretical flow for specified d/D

InfoSWMM provides Pipe/Conduit summary report with values for Max flow divided by "Full Flow". Here the "full flow" is based on Manning's equation for when the pipe is full. However as a sewer utility, we're not allowed to fill pipes. We must keep...
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Grids / Reporting 2 Gathering support

Generate individual rainfall event files

I would like a feature in which you can see individual rainfall event files within a model group once you have generated rainfall rather than the current setup of having to export from the software then having to import back into the software to s...
Guest almost 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Rainfall 0 Gathering support

Risk Master Update in line with changes to MCM

the MCM has been updated in recent years yet Risk Master has not been updated in line with this. It will no longer import the MCM tables directly due to formatting changes. There is also no option to import residential curves 'relative to value'. ...
Guest over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM 0 Gathering support

Theme the location inflow points

Would it be possible to add a feature in ICM which highlights the locations where inflows are being applied to the model, when they are selected in a boundary file. There are many occasions where there are numerous point or lateral inflows to rive...
Guest over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Flow 1 Gathering support