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Ability to assign an ID to a spatial layer (or better identification method).

Another ‘wish list’ suggestion for Info360: For the spatial layer, uploaded features that get selected in the map display a generated ID as the main ‘title’ (e.g. ‘16e1b3620604415d85d950588d6d6e39’ for one feature I clicked on). It would be a lot ...
Guest over 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Customization / Styling 0 Launched

Easy way to throw a group of sensors into a chart

When creating charts in workspaces, I often want more than one sensor in the chart. Creating a chart then adding them one-by-one is too slow.I want to manage sensor groupings which can be applied into charts.Also I may want to direclty select mult...
Nathan Gerdts almost 4 years ago in Info360 Insight 0 Launched

Mesh result smoothing

Automated smoothing of flood depths from mesh elements, giving a less jagged appearance.
Guest over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM 1 Launched

Support for 'Count of defects per unit length' rehab query

This is useful to determine the damage in a pipe in relation to it's length. A 10 ft pipe with 10 defects will be in more severe condition than a 20ft pipe with 10 defects.
Martha Nunez over 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Rehab 0 Launched

Ability to search spatial layer attributes such as customer ID from buildings layer

This is helpful so that clients that use a customer management system where customers are identified by ID can easily search and find the customer in the map and associated assets. Expand for any layer attributes.
Guest over 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Search 1 Launched

Allow for video media to be added to an inspection even when the reference is not in the database

Right now, the only video that can be uploaded is the one in the media inspections reference. This feature request is to allow videos to be uploaded when they are not available in the media reference. This is useful in the following situations: Vi...
Guest over 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Import / Upload / Inspection & Media Management Workflows 0 Launched

Allow CCTV defect codes to be used under the Condition LoF

Not all defects that have the same score are the same. For example, a collapsed pipe 'X' has a score of 5 but much higher risk than a pipe that has a big hole 'HVV' or break 'BVV'. The user might need the ability to separate LoF scoring pipes base...
Martha Nunez over 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Risk 1 Launched

Route subcatchment outflow directly to a point on the 2D mesh

At times I want to route subcatchment flow to a certain point on the 2D mesh. This could be for directing building runoff to the street/curb or simply making sure the runoff gets to the inlet structure without forcing it into the underground netwo...
Guest almost 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM 2 Launched

Print Formatting & Templates

The current print options for InfoDrainage are terrible or even non-existent. We need to be able to produce reports of the model and its results in an easy to understand format for submission to approving bodies who may not be familiar with the so...
Guest 10 months ago in InfoDrainage / Reporting 2 Launched

Allow decimals in number of properties assigned to customer points

When setting up future demand scenarios we are often provided increase in population over an existing area of the network, reflecting infill growth across the area. However we can't distribute this across existing customer points because only a wh...
Ben Davies about 4 years ago in InfoWater Pro 0 Launched