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Show water levels at Bridge Linear Structures

We would like to see the water levels at the bridge linear structures as it is important for us to be able to see the water levels with respect to the bridge openings and decks.
Richard Body about 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Bridge / Hydraulics / Results 0 Gathering support

Include weirs and orifices in xpswmm ensemble statistics

Please include weirs and orifices in the ARR Ensemble Statistics summary. Currently, only conduits or natural channels are included.
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Results 0 Gathering support

"Schedule Job(s)" request for extra functionality

At present, when two users each send a large batch of simulations to run on a remote PC via the coordinator, the coordinator is not very smart about allocating out resource to the simulations. For an extreme example, let’s say there is a remote...
Jason Kulsdom over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Simulations 0 Gathering support

Add node level (hydraulic grade line) data to custom graphs for calibration

Allow for the ability to compare observed and predicted level data (or hydraulic grade lines) at nodes. Instead of depth in the pipe, I typically have water surface elevations at a node, specifically for treatment plant hydraulic modeling.
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Calibration / Labels / Results 0 Gathering support

Report showing history of simulation jobs running on server over a period of time

We are aware that ICM simulation jobs that are currently running on a simulation server can be viewed in the agent.state file in D:\Innovyze\InfoWorksAgent on the server. It would be great if there were a report that could show the history of ...
Mark Huxtable 10 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Statistics 0 Gathering support

Simple means to set initial storage area water surface elevations

Please incorporate a system for setting initial water surface elevations in storage nodes that works as easily as the process is in XPSWMM or HEC-RAS. The program should hold this water level during warm-up stabilization.
Guest about 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydraulics / Simulations 0 Gathering support

Document how results pfc vs r.pfc are calculated for open channels

in the long plots we ask for two capacities, we get pfc vs r.pfc for pipes they are the same , but for open channels such a trapezoidal they are different. there seems to be no literature on this.
John Krpan 11 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Results 3 Will not implement

ICM sims updated with better control on sims outcome

I think waiting a big time for a sim to be done and then because the sim results disk gets full, loosing all of the simulated data is something that should be prevented from the time someone sends the simulation. A warning should be issued when yo...
Ionut Pintea over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Simulations 0 Gathering support

ICM - Statistics Template: Daily events

I want to be able to break my events into daily values. Currently this would require setting up 7 separate templates each with the unique day set under the 'Time Window' button. I want a tick option added that will allow me to do this within the s...
Guest over 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Reporting / Results 1 Gathering support

I want Infoworks' "Export maxima to GIS" to include the below parameters to assist scour protection design within 2D Zone

1. For shear-stress-based design 1.1 Max Shear Stress (in N/m2 with at least 1 digit after the decimal point) 1.2 Hydraulic Slope at Max Shear Stress (in percent with at least 3 digits after the decimal point) 2. For velocity-based design 2.1. Max...
Phuong Mai over 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Export Data / GIS Layers / Simulations 1 Gathering support