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Status Launched
Product Info360 Asset
Created by Mike Maylone
Created on Feb 3, 2023

Contractor role should be able to make edits to a rejected inspection, and resubmit

Now that the contractor has access to the inspection observations page and can edit, they should be able to make edits to a rejected inspection and resubmit.

Example Workflow.

  1. Utility rejects inspection for poor coding, or missing defects, etc.

  2. Contractor sees rejected inspection

  3. Contractor opens inspection, views notes and any validations issues

  4. Contractor changes status to something other than rejected @Tony Andrews @Jason Robbins. Is this needed or can they just edit right from rejected?

  5. ​Contractor makes appropriate edits

  6. Contractor submits again.

  7. All notes history are retained.

Core use cases for this.

  1. Problem: Utility persona rejects on the basis of incorrect observations (many missing, or incorrect coding, etc.).

  • Outcome: Contractor sees rejected inspection. Contractor makes appropriate edits, adds, deletes to observations, contractor resubmits.

Problem: Utility persona rejects on the basis of an incorrect or poor quality media.

  • Outcome: Contractor sees rejected inspection. Contractor uploads new media to replace existing. Contractor resubmits.

Problem: Utility persona rejects on the basis of the incorrect pipe being inspected.

  • Outcome: There is no remedy for this in Info360, will need to modify in original inspection software and reupload.

  • Attach files