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InfoWorks WS Pro

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Consistency in Plots Titles for Simulation and Live Data Plot Reports

Consistency in Plots Titles for Simulation and Live Data Plot Reports In Graph tool plot title include ‘Asset ID’ and ‘Node ID’ e.g. “Hausegill SR (Reservoir: 004T4011)”. However in the Simulation report in only shows ‘Node ID ‘ e.g. ”004T4011” C...
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Other 0 Gathering support

Option of splitting pipes/Polygons in InfoWorks WS Pro

Like the option available to split the polygons, if there is an option available that would be good. If we are able to automatically split the pipe into many segments automatically using an automated option like the feature available in ICM to ge...
Guest almost 5 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Productivity 0 Gathering support

A simple way to straighten short links to display symbols more clearly

When using the "Expand Short Links" option I find that the expanded links will inherit some geometric points from the adjacent links, and hence symbols for valves, meters etc may not display too well if adjacent to a pipe bend. It would be useful ...
Owen Lewis almost 5 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Other 1 Gathering support

Edit Pump and Valve Curves in IWLive

IWLive is the perfect platform to examine how well valve and pump curves are simulating the actual behavior under a wide range of system conditions. If these could be modified in an incident run, it would save lots of time going back to WS to modi...
Guest almost 5 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Operations 0 Gathering support

Making a run in WS/WSpro now a (big) list of yellow warnings pop up. By using an optional selection of (run)validation items not anymore

Making a run in WS/WSpro the input always gets fully validated including items not used. Those items creates a (big) list (e.g. 81.273) of yellow warnings. Besides run/validation time causes this a list of not wanted necessary warnings which makes...
Jeroen Fietje over 3 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Engine 0 Gathering support

As a user of InfoWorks WS PRO, I would like to better simulate FMV valves

In InfoWorks WS PRO is possible to simulate FMV valves, but I would like to introduce a "deviation" option to better simulate it. I give an example: imagine a valve whose pressure setting is 2 Bar if flow is from 0 to 10 L/s, and 2.5 Bar if flow i...
Paolo Boiardi almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Engine 0 Gathering support

Copy all the scenarios from a Model

Impossible to make a subsystem copy of a model (with different scenarios) that brings all the scenarios to the new model when I make a copy of the selected nodes and links. At this moment, a copy only brings the current scenario.
Juan Carlos Ortega almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Data Exchange 0 Gathering support

Creation of the Pump element independent of its grouping in the Pumping Station as included in usual infrastructure catalogs (GIS)

Useful for maintaining the unique relationship between the elements of a supply network and the Infoworks model objects.
Juan Carlos Ortega almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Operations 2 Will not implement

The "join model" tool does not work correctly with Scenarios

The Infoworks Join Model Tool does not work correctly with Topologies and Controls containing different scenarios In the resulting united model, it maintains the four scenarios, but in all four scenarios the Topology and Control are the same, it r...
Juan Carlos Ortega almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Data Exchange 0 Gathering support

Respect the text separators of the operating system used by the equipment.

Respect the text separators of the operating system used by the equipment.
Juan Carlos Ortega almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Data Exchange 3 Gathering support