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Graph sum of multiple objects instead of each selected object

While looking at multiple drainage areas in a basin (in my example), results can become hard to read; it would be nice if you could graph multiple objects and have the option to see the summation of the selection instead of each individual item.
Andrew (AJ) Czubai about 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Reporting / Results 0 Gathering support

XPSWMM Inlet capacity - head difference rating or geometry-based inlets

Inlet capacity creates a second node internally to XPSWMM. Currently, the rating curve methods for it are calculated based on node depth, rather than head differential, which doesn’t work right with 2D if the storm sewer HGL is above the gutter. ...
Guest about 4 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Storm, Sewer, Flood Modeling 0 Gathering support

User defined results fields

Can we have user defined results fields? these would allow us to generate time series results that could include the total flows from a series of subcatchments or the total flow going to a node. another example is where we are required to generate...
Richard Body about 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity 2 Gathering support

Life Cycle Cost Analysis & Advanced Financials

No description provided
Mike Maylone about 2 years ago in Info360 Asset 1 Gathering support

Max or Min Flow values should not depend on the pipe direction. i.e. the value being positive or negative depend on the pipe direction

Currently, if the flow direction through the pipe is opposite to the direction of the pipe drawn it shows as a negative flow value. So if the flow goes both direction during the run, smaller positive value shows as the maximum flow and larger nega...
Guest about 4 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Other 0 Gathering support

Allow to Use TSDB when running a simulation in ICM Exchange

Running a simulation with TSDB data is currently not supported in ICM Exchange.
Guest over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / API / Exchange / Events 0 Gathering support

Detention Time Modelling

We would like the model to calculate detention time of sewer in a simulation. The idea is similar to water age calculation in WS. The aim is to use this as a proxy for odour study, in essence we would like to be able to create thematic maps to sho...
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Reporting / Results / Wastewater 0 Gathering support

Revision to manhole representation

ICM's default representation of manholes could be more accurate. The limitations of current setup allows accurate representation of either the shaft or the benching but not both. Thus most people tend to apply chamber areas to invert which overest...
Guest about 3 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydraulics 0 Gathering support

Allow pollutographs to apply on subcatchments

At the moment it is not possible to set a pollutograph for subcatchments, and the modeller is obliged first to run the hydrology, export the hydrograph, re-import the hydrograph as inflow, and finally re-run with a pollutograph
Richard Body over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydrology / Pollutants 0 Gathering support

Improve model maintenance

As a user I want to be able automate my model build maintenance activity so that my hydraulic model always reflects the asset repository
Guest over 5 years ago in InfoWater Pro 1 Gathering support