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Product InfoWorks ICM
Categories Productivity
Created by Richard Body
Created on Dec 19, 2019

User defined results fields

Can we have user defined results fields? these would allow us to generate time series results that could include the total flows from a series of subcatchments or the total flow going to a node. another example is where we are required to generate a WQ 'score' where the score is a combination of a number of water quality parameters. There would be implications for live modelling as well. We'd be comfortable with having to write a SQL to get what we need.
    Apr 24, 2023
    Thanks for this idea, while it can already be done for themes, extending this out for results generation sounds good. The assumption is that a retrospectively applied SQL to populate User Text 1 with the desired result isn't sufficient for this requirement?
  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Jan 21, 2020
    Ideally the user-defined variables can be displayed in graphs and results tables, as well as being exportable, and usable for alerts in ICMLive. Pretty much like a build-in variable.
  • Richard Body
    Jan 8, 2020
    Hi Pascal. No, I am afraid not. We'd prefer something that was inherent to the network. The retrospective application of SQL is helpful though!