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InfoDrainage - level bench in basin/pond configuration

The sizing calculator in the pond build pop-up enables one side lpe only. There are now LLFAs that require level benck of at aleast 1.5 m width after 0.6 m depth in a basin. It is currently not possible to use your calculator to establish such bas...
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 2 Gathering support

Closing files before import CAD data

When trying to import CAD files for your background, you have to close the files in CAD for them to open in ID. This becomes a tedious task of opening and closing when you have errors trying to import the file. We get errors quite often due to som...
Jess Ewing 9 months ago in InfoDrainage / Civil3D Integration 1 Gathering support

Channel library similar to pipe library

It is essential to add / create library for rectangular channels with different width such as 300mm, 450mm width. Currently infodrainage choose a default 600mm wide rectangular channel. It is essential to have options to set minimum width other th...
Guest over 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 1 Gathering support

Lock pipe diameters only.

After simulation and there is flooding, trying to upsize the pipes, if the wizard is run again it reverts to the previous diameter, i dont want to lock (ALL) as i still want to use the wizard to lower the inverts etc, downstream.
Steven Gilchrist 12 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 3 Gathering support

Variable baseflow

(Could also be considered hydraulics) On large scale projects where we may have limited information and funding, we assume baseflow values through an upstream point inflow. It would be beneficial to have a variable baseflow input per design storm....
Jess Ewing 12 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydrology 1 Gathering support

Schematic for Dry Wells

When adding a dry well, it would be useful to provide some labelled images like those available for other stormwater controls to clarify what the properties are refering to.
Midori Patterson 12 months ago in InfoDrainage / Visualization 1 Gathering support

Cross and Longitudinal Slope for Surface SuDS features

Currently, when you try to model surface features, such as porous pavement, you can only adjust the longitudinal slope. However, when you try to model roads for example, you often have a separate cross fall, which I believe would be a useful addit...
Konstantinos Koutroulis about 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Other 1 Gathering support

Export PDF of Quick Storage Estimate, QBAR calcs, volume calcs etc

Export PDF of Quick Storage Estimate, QBAR calcs, volume calcs etc
Guest over 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Reporting 3 Gathering support

Visualizer for "Multiple" Outlet Control Design

When designing a "multiple" outlet control for stormwater structures (such as a perforated riser), it would be helpful to have a visual schematic to ensure that the design intent is being captured. Multiple competitor tools (HydroCAD, Hydrology st...
Midori Patterson about 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Visualization 1 Gathering support

Add SuDS Planner tool to InfoDrainage

It would be good if we have the "SuDS Planner" tool available inside InfoDrainage similar to the one we have in MicroDrainage-Source Control module
Dilraj KT over 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Other 3 Gathering support