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Sediment depth variable for Storage nodes

It appears that amounts of sediment are carried along when water is overflowing over the banks of the river: part of the sediment from sediment fractions SF1 and SF2 leaves the river and goes to the Storage Areas during flooding. Although this is ...
Guest about 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Sediment / Simulations 0 Gathering support

Enforce velocity constraint on all pipes during Fireflow

InfoWater Pro offers the ability to constrain Fire flow at hydrants so that the max velocity in pipes doesn't exceed a specified threshold. Currently the only option is to enforce this on "Connected Pipes", assuming that the last pipe reaching the...
Nathan Gerdts 8 months ago in InfoWater Pro / Engine 1 Gathering support

Order ARR19 Box and Whisker plots by duration

The box and whisker plot outputs order alphabetically. It would be useful if it ordered based on rainfall event duration instead.
Guest about 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Reporting / Results 0 Gathering support

Enable Reference Graph type "Output from other sources" for Group Graphs

On a single element graph, you can use Reference Graph - Output from other output source(s) to compare results for that element from various scenario runs. This option should also be enabled for Group Graphs on multiple elements.
Grant Clemens about 1 year ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 0 Gathering support

Cross and Longitudinal Slope for Surface SuDS features

Currently, when you try to model surface features, such as porous pavement, you can only adjust the longitudinal slope. However, when you try to model roads for example, you often have a separate cross fall, which I believe would be a useful addit...
Konstantinos Koutroulis about 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Other 1 Gathering support

Import and export SQL objects to InfoWorks formatted text file

Importing and exporting rainfall data, ground level files, flow surveys in ICM using a defined format is already possible. Adding this functionality to SQL queries means users can manage their SQL's more easily, store queries in a central location...
Nick Dahl about 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / SQL 0 Gathering support

Recurring inflow files for different days

the present Inflows to a node or pipe require a specific date and time for each sub-event and are not recurring. This will lead us to input the same data over and over again. If we had a recurring inflow profile that allow us to create inflows fo...
Indresh Narayanaswamy over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Flow 0 Gathering support

Rehab query for comparison of survey length vs total pipe length (as a %)

This is to determine what percentage of the pipe was surveyed and identify potential abandoned surveys where the 'MSA' code was not coded. This query exists in InfoAsset Planner.
Martha Nunez 4 months ago in Info360 Asset 2 Gathering support

Ability to snap to DWG or GIS background layers

When moving a manhole, I would like to snap to drawing geometry
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity / Visualization 0 Gathering support

closed pipe

One of the nice features of WSPro is the ability to simply close a pipe. This would come in very handy in ICM as well, as this would allow for some very cool what if analyses and makes it possible to keep a pipe in the network (for visualization) ...
Marcel Glasbergen almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / InfoWorks 2 Gathering support