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Info360 Asset

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Provide an Early Warning Notification on CCTV Inspections that will Indicate an Emergency Situation

Some defects or combination of defects in a sewer or stormwater condition or associated maintenance structure may constitute an emergency condition where service failure is likely with economic, environmental, public safety, public image, and/or p...
Tony Andrews about 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Inspection & Media Management Workflows / Inspections / Product workflows 0 For Review

Access real-time KPI's from Info360 for LOF's and Risk

For assets with sensors (e.g. pumps), time series KPI's can provide the best current point of truth on the condition of the asset.e.g. Analytics can report actual efficiency of pump performance so prioritization can be assigned for areas with grea...
Nathan Gerdts over 4 years ago in Info360 Asset / COF & LOF Categories / Components 0 Gathering support

Downstream & upstream tracing

No description provided
Mike Maylone over 4 years ago in Info360 Asset / Map tools 0 In progress

Map view -- Hotspots & Heatmaps

No description provided
Mike Maylone over 4 years ago in Info360 Asset / Customization / Styling 0 Gathering support

Risk & Rehab Based On MSCC Condition Scoring

Use condition scores for MSCC inspections risk models and rehab queries. This will allow UK utilities to do condition analysis in Info360 Asset.

Infuse help documentation into Info360 Asset software application

Associate Info360 Asset help documentation URL to the Help button.
Guest over 3 years ago in Info360 Asset 0 Already exists

Provide Weather Updates

Include weather updates to weather events that are pertinent to the user, such as a snowstorm or a flood that is happening in their city/town.
Guest over 3 years ago in Info360 Asset 0 Will not implement

Stormwater - Modeling Module for Quantifying Pollutant Reduction

This would include some type of calculation engine that is capable of quantifying the pollutant reduction for each catchment/citywide assessment. This would help MS4 permittees better track and report on BMP performance and how well they are achie...
Ryan Brown over 3 years ago in Info360 Asset 0 Gathering support

Stormwater - Inventory Module for BMPs

This would be similar to any other vertical type of asset. It would include a catalog of BMPs throughout the system with the condition assessments/reports and track maintenance activities. This would also include modeling attributes to help field ...
Ryan Brown over 3 years ago in Info360 Asset 2 In progress

InfoAsset Planner can publish results to Info360 Asset site for easy dashboarding

A consultant wants to own the data and do custom stuff with on-prem IAP, but needs to share information with utility who wants an easily accessible dashboard for navigation. Ultimately Info360 Asset may incorporate all IAP functionality, but makin...
Tim Medearis almost 4 years ago in Info360 Asset 0 Will not implement