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GMR to report on Live Data comparison

As a user I want to be able to use the GMR to calibrate my model. As such GMR needs to be improved to consider variation between model and telemetry
Guest over 5 years ago in InfoWorks WS Pro 0 Gathering support

InfoAsset integration

As a user I want to be able to generate workorder based on my UDF flushing sequence/generate UDF flushing sequence out of work orders
Guest over 5 years ago in InfoWater Pro 1 Will not implement

Report on model calibration

As a user I want to be able to easily assess model calibration based on comparison with telemetry
Guest over 5 years ago in InfoWater Pro 0 Already exists

User Defined Asset Creation

As a user I would like to be able to be able to create user defined assets from an imported XML file
Guest over 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 For Review

Incidents as polygons rather than just points

As a user I want to be able to represent incidents like pollution spills or flooding events as a polygon extent
Guest over 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Operational Analytics 0 In progress

Microstation DGN files as Background / Conversion

I would like to have CAD files - Microstation in particular as background elements in ICM
Guest over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Visualization 0 Gathering support

Allow multiple subcatchments with the same RTK set to drain to one node.

allow subcatchments with different RTKs to drain to the same node (Very useful for future loads and different land uses).
Guest over 5 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydraulics / RTK 2 Gathering support

Integration with InfoWorks ICM - Rehab Planning

Modeling data for rehab plan. Pipe at capacity> Rehab action: Upsize the pipe or conduct field verification.
Tony Andrews 6 months ago in Info360 Asset / Other 0 On roadmap

Export table into a spreadsheet

We have tables in Info360 Insight but customers cannot export the table outside of the platform. Exporting the tables to spreadsheet (similar to graphs) could help clients to get access to extracted data they have aggregate in the tables.
Ayden Baran 12 months ago in Info360 Insight / Reports 0 Under consideration

Calendar View of Work in Manager and Online

As a user I would like to be able to view the schedule of work showing status for each work crew. Similar to what is presented in InfoAsset Mobile
Guest over 5 years ago in Other Product Ideas / Asset Management 0 Gathering support