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Info360 Asset

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Allow users to view field mapping configuration under metadata for all import types.

This is useful when conducting QAQC of data imports. If a user wants to quickly check what field was mapped under a system field they can check without having to upload the original data. It makes the process more time efficient.
Martha Nunez over 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Asset / Spatial Data Import 0 Gathering support

Long Term Risk Projections for Budgeting and Showing CIP impact

Utilities want to be able to budget for the next 5, 10, 25, 50+ years. They also want to see what the effect of implementing a progressive asset management software like Info360 will have on their network. I would be great if the risk tool could d...
Tim Medearis almost 4 years ago in Info360 Asset 1 Gathering support

Integration with Lucity (Central Square)

Prioritized I360A action plan to be implemented and completed in CMMS - then once work is completed the equivalent work/project in I360A needs to be updated as complete. Different types of work orders for risk and rehab analysis, and for deteriora...
Martha Nunez over 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Other 0 Gathering support

Integration and visualization of Electroscan data

Electroscan data is a condition assessment technology that uses current readings to detect potential infiltration and inflow defects along the length of the pipe. The current vs length readings can be displayed in a plot diagram in InfoAsset Plann...
Martha Nunez 10 months ago in Info360 Asset / CCTV Standards (e.g. PACP) 0 Gathering support

Ability to generate Valve Criticality calculations (critical bounded areas, number of customers impacted by area, gpm per area, etc)

This is a more detailed and accurate way to assess impact on critical customers compared to tools such as spatial proximity.
Martha Nunez 11 months ago in Info360 Asset / Product workflows 3 Gathering support

Show value range or distribution of values when a user is creating a rehab query

Currently, when building a rehab query, a user must guess what a reasonable value is when inputing values in their rehab queries (for anything none choice list). It would be really useful for them to be able to see the range of values or a histogr...
Mike Maylone almost 2 years ago in Info360 Asset 0 Gathering support

InfoAsset Mobile - Dynamic sizing for map layer symbol

InfoAsset Mobile - Ability to set the size of the layer symbol dependent on the current zoom extent. Would like to make the symbols larger the closer in you zoom.
Lianne Rose 12 months ago in Info360 Asset / Customization / Styling 4 Gathering support

Export Inspection function should export only the selected inspections (checkbox selected), not all Inspections

When using the checkboxes to select certain Inspection IDs(Task>PACP Inspections) it is intuitive that any actions performed afterward will only affect the selected Inspections.However, the Export function ignores the selections made by checkin...
Daniel'le DeVoss 12 months ago in Info360 Asset / Data Export 1 Under consideration

One-to-many relationships for custom tables.

In many cases a table will have more than one record associated to a pipe. This is the case in most work management tasks that might be used as part of a rehab tree or risk analysis. Some examples are: SSO records: An asset might have multiple SSO...
Martha Nunez about 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Data Management / Query types / Capabilities 1 Will not implement

Add a "comments" or "notes" option to the 'Reject' status for Field Inspector users to know why Inspection was rejected

There is no way for the inspector to know what is supposed to be fixed.
Guest about 2 years ago in Info360 Asset / Inspection & Media Management Workflows 1 Already exists