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Library of shared data across databases

As a large team with many databases, it is hard to manage a central set of SQL Queries, Themes, Inferences, Layer Lists, etc.We want a set of data like a Model Group that is shared among all databases in our cloud hub or workgroup server.
Nathan Gerdts 6 months ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Productivity 0 Gathering support

Improved scenario organization

Can we have the scenarios functionality improved to allow for scenarios to be organized into folders, ordered by various attributes (other than time of creation) and a search function within the scenario window. It would be useful to have the fold...
Guest over 1 year ago in InfoWorks WS Pro / Engine 3 Under consideration

Expanded PACP code Risk queries (count of defects, clock pos, value%, length, etc)

The NASSCO standard provides a good scoring system for sewer pipes. However, when cities have a large percentage of pipes in poor condition, it is difficult to prioritize the work by solely looking at the NASSCO score. In some cases a utility migh...
Martha Nunez 7 months ago in Info360 Asset 0 In progress

Order Junction & Connection Results Printout by Flowpath (to match the Model Printout)

Issue: When using the 'print' feature, if a flow path is selected, the model summary for junctions will show ALL connected pipes, in 'flow' order, which is very useful for presenting/understanding data. However, in the results tab for connections,...
Alex Purcell 8 months ago in InfoDrainage / Reporting 0 For Review

XPSWMM Viewer capabilities

Since the help systems for XPSWMM Viewer was not updated, very few people with XPSWMM licenses know anything about the ability to open an unencryted model. Please update the help documentation. Please make Export to INP available in XPViewer too!
Matt Anderson 3 months ago in Other Product Ideas / Storm, Sewer, Flood Modeling 0 For Review

As a user I want to be able to adjust dry weather flow diurnal profiles easily to account for day light savings

Diurnal wastewater and tradewaste profiles shift over the course of the year due to day light saving time adjustments. I would like to see ICM include the ability to phase shift the diurnal patterns to account for DLS. I believe this adjustment wo...
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Calibration 3 Gathering support

Permeable Pavement with varying depth

Please add an option to input the surface slope and formation level slope for the permeable pavements to represent the varying depth of storage below. This is one of the 3 options we use at steeper sites to provide adequate storage in permeable pa...
Dilraj KT 6 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 0 For Review

Sort and collapse all option in flowpath Network Design Report

It would be useful to be able to ‘collapse all’ for branches in the Network Design Report. It would also be useful to be able to sort the connections (and junctions) in order of upstream→downstream or alpha/numeric. At the moment it seems rather a...
Matthew Johnson 4 months ago in InfoDrainage / Auditing / Reviewing 0 For Review

Show catchment areas of non-current phases

It is useful to be able to see the catchment areas of non-current phases if they have visibility switched on. For example, to make sure that a whole site with multiple outfalls has the total catchment digitised with no gaps.
Matthew Johnson 4 months ago in InfoDrainage / Auditing / Reviewing 0 For Review

Allow CCTV Inspections to be associated to a pipe/culvert when PLR and asset IDs match but no manhole IDs are provided in the CCTV inspection

Allow inspections to be imported WITHOUT (i.e. missing) manhole IDs but still provide the association to the asset via the PLR if a corresponding pipe asset has the same asset ID. In the situation where there are no manhole IDs provided then I360A...
Tony Andrews 7 months ago in Info360 Asset 0 Gathering support