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Limit the chamber sizing calculator to 200 chambers

The chamber size calculator will add any number of chambers necessary, however, the model will not validate if the number of chambers exceeds 200. It would be better to not allow the calculator to exceed the validation limit.
Daniel'le DeVoss 2 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 0 For Review

Increase the limit of Chambers allowed

Currently in the 2025.2 version I am running, the number of Chambers for subsurface storage/detention allowed is 200. The sizing calculator says I need more and wouldn't validate the model. Would be nice to have a higher limit.
Bryan Forrest 2 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 0 For Review

Level Soffits in pipe network.

Although you can select Level Soffits in the Network Wizard, if you make a change in the manhole depth for example, the pipes in the network will return to invert level, which means that you will have to readjust them manually.
Konstantinos Koutroulis 10 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 1 In progress

Better hydraulic representation of flow in permeable paving

Flow through permeable paving does not occur as one would expect. Is greatly affected by the shape and direction the paving is drawn in InfoDrainage. When drawing an irregular shape the hydraulic grade lines appear incorrect, with flow all at one ...
Guest about 1 month ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 0 For Review

Robust pond editor

Add options for complex pond shapes and items. Many municipalities now require items like latorial shelves, forebays, baffles, etc. these items do influence the detention time in the pond and can have effects on staging. While the size items can b...
Corey Balenger about 2 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 0 For Review

Add Infiltration Option to Manholes

Other software allows you to add infiltration properties to manholes. In Western Australia, the use of Soakwells/Soakpits is an often practice and it is important to be able to account for this local infiltration within the Manhole
Hector Salgado 4 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 1 Gathering support

Need more inlet options

SSA has numerous inlet manufacturers and jurisdictions, including Caltrans, FDOT, Neenah, etc. These would be beneficial to have in InfoDrainage, including East Jordan inlets. Additionally, have depth vs flow curve option would be helpful as well.
Guest 4 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 0 For Review

Button: Apply to all phases

To each of the build screens, next to "apply", add another button, "apply to all phases". This would save a lot of time when making tweaks to models for which more than one phase is being run (which is most models)
Guest 2 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 0 For Review

Channel library similar to pipe library

It is essential to add / create library for rectangular channels with different width such as 300mm, 450mm width. Currently infodrainage choose a default 600mm wide rectangular channel. It is essential to have options to set minimum width other th...
Guest about 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 1 Gathering support

Modelling intermediate check dams and weirs in open channels including ponds ands swales

Currently, InfoDrainage only allows modeling of check dams or weirs at outlets. For open channels with multiple intermediate check dams, users must split the channel into sections, each with its own outfall defined. A more accurate feature allowin...
Dilraj KT over 1 year ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 1 Gathering support