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ICM InfoWorks SWMM5 Tools

ICM InfoWorks Networks has a long history of being both a great modeling platform but having a lot of SWMM5 features. To name a few, there is SWMM Runoff, SWMM Horton, SWMM Snowmelt, SWMM Green Ampt Infiltration, SWMM5 Water Quality, SWMM5 RTK, SW...
Robert Dickinson 26 days ago in InfoWorks ICM / Hydrology 0 For Review

Default tank symbol

Can you change the default tank symbol color back to the dark blue that it used to be? The teal color is very light, making it difficult to see and hard to differentiate from the reservoir symbol. I know I can change this in preferences, but it wo...
Colin Ricks 26 days ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 0 For Review

Consistent names and icons

Use the same name for things everywhere. For example, in the Model Explorer there is a "Modeling" section. In the DB editor, the field listed in the "Modeling" section are found in the "Hydraulic data" tables. Icons are also often different in dif...
Colin Ricks 26 days ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 0 For Review

Easily transform node from one type to another

Self explanatory. Use a user selection or domain.
Colin Ricks 26 days ago in InfoWater Pro / Productivity 0 For Review

Chezy Formula option

It would be useful to have a direct input for Chezy coefficient as an alternative to mannings n as some regions need to use this as an input and report on this too - this would result in less workaround and data manipulation
matthew.piggott 3 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 0 For Review

Changes to a network do not propagate downstream

If you change a pipe diameter or gradient, it will not accommodate these changes in the downstream section of the network. For example upsizing and steepening a pipe in the middle of a run will mean the next pipeis undersized and goes uphill. It a...
Matthew Johnson 5 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 0 For Review

Vary infiltration with depth

Cannot currently use the software for deisgn of borehole soakaways. By their very nature they wil have varying infiltration rates. Usually the infiltration is at greatest depth and no way of modelling with correct head in borehole.
Guest about 1 month ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 1 For Review

Ability to move labels to avoid overlaps

At the moment if labels overlap the only way to read the information on screen is to reduce all text size, which has other readability issues.
Matthew Johnson 5 months ago in InfoDrainage / Visualization 0 For Review

Reporting of velocity through swales

If you design swales using Stormwater Controls (Swale) you will not be able to see simulated velocities through the swale. I believe you could try modelling as an open channel connection but you won't get infiltration through the sides & base.
Matthew Johnson 5 months ago in InfoDrainage / Hydraulics 0 For Review

Add a function: Dividing Polygon Objects in ICM

After creating a subcatchment polygon, there is a case where the polygon needs to be divided due to reasons such as creating a new road. In InfoWorks CS, there was a tool to divide polygons with line data, but it disappeared in ICM. Without the to...
Nami Ikarashi 3 months ago in InfoWorks ICM 2 For Review