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In-built process to generate design rainfall events for New Zealand (Design rainfall generators)

Since there is no in-built process to generate design rainfall events for NZ region, we are forced to create events manually using Meteorological data, which is not easily accessible at all times. Adding this into ICM would be a great value additi...
Indresh Narayanaswamy over 1 year ago in InfoWorks ICM / Rainfall 3 Gathering support

Provide Enhanced Manhole Schedule Details

It would be great to have the option of providing an additional level of customisable detail which could be configured on MH Schedules. As an example including practical details around the cover – contractors want to know and see more from a MH s...
Guest over 2 years ago in InfoDrainage 1 Gathering support

2D worst case analysis

I would like to be able to analyse a number of simulations in terms of the worst flood depth per 2D mesh element. An integrated tool (along the lines of the already existing worst case grid output) would avoid the need to mess around in external GIS.
Guest about 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / 2D Flooding / Hydrology / Productivity 1 Gathering support

Update RTC to Allow User to Create Folders

It would be very useful to have folders as an option in RTC Editor - this would allow users to group assets based on similar characteristics e.g. type, location, purpose. It would also be useful to be able to change the order of regulators in the ...
David Beesley 11 months ago in InfoWorks ICM / Other 0 Gathering support

'Find and Replace Flags' tool on multiple networks.

As a large organisation with multiple users of InfoWorks ICM we have a set up with one masterdatabase and everyone using groups off this in order to keep all users on the same version. The downside is, that as users import previous models more fla...
Tom Walker over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Productivity 0 Gathering support

Generate new synthetic rainfall events using ICM exchange

No description provided
Guest over 4 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / API / Exchange / Rainfall 0 Gathering support

Store MSX data in Data Sets that could be used in DB Editor and Scenario Management

Currently, all MSX data like Initial Quality and Quality Source data is stored in the MSX model itself, which makes scenario management for MSX models very tedious. It would be much more intuitive and efficient if MSX data was stored in Data Sets ...
Grant Clemens 6 months ago in InfoWater Pro / Water Quality 0 Gathering support

Ability to update and/or overwrite a spatial layer

Currently the user needs to delete the layer and re-import a new one. There should be an 'update' uption for all spatial layers.
Martha Nunez about 1 year ago in Info360 Asset / Asset / Spatial Data Import 0 Gathering support

Possibility to turn off report windows

Now, when updating elements from ground model, extending cross sections, inserting an opening in a bridge… a report is displayed. This can be very annoying when building up a model and you have to click the report windows away. It would be useful ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Mesh / Productivity 2 Gathering support

Include regulator state in graph reports

this can only be done with custom graphs, would be easier in standard graphs for run comparison
Guest almost 2 years ago in InfoWorks ICM / Results 0 Gathering support